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out the business, taking in his son-in-law, William H. Tubman, the firm name being Simeon Atwood & Co., the present title.

Mr. Atwood was married in Wellfleet, December 5, 1848, to Mercy Waterman, daughter of Joseph and Abigail Higgins. Of this union was one child, Mary Steele Atwood (now Mrs. Tubman.)

In 1860 he was member of the House of Representatives, serving on the committee on valuation. In 1861 he was appointed deputy collector of the port of Wellfleet, serving until December 1, 1877.

He was one of the charter members of the Wellfleet Savings Bank, organized in 1863, and treasurer till 1870. He has since been director, and its president since 1887. He is director in the Barnstable Mutual Fire Insurance Company, having been chosen in 1862; also director in the Wellfleet Marine Insurance Company. He has held a commission as justice of the peace since 1882. He is a deacon and clerk of the First Congregational church.

Avery, Winslow W., son of Ebenezer and Rosamond (Spaulding) Avery, was born in Montpelier, Washington county, Vt., April 22, 1836.

The district school and Washington County (Vt.) Academy gave him his early educational training. He began life as a page and reporter's attendant in the Vermont Legislature, carrying copy to the printers of the "Legislative Journal," and distributing daily papers to members; afterwards served seven years' apprenticeship in the printing business, in the office of the "Vermont Watchman," Montpelier, Vt. In 1861 he was promoted to the management of that establishment, and during the trying period of the war, and in the absence in Congress of the proprietor of the paper, Mr. Avery discharged his arduous duties with fidelity and acknowledged ability.

In January, 1866, he removed to Plymouth, purchased the weekly newspaper, "The Old Colony Sentinel," which he successfully published, and in 1872 consolidated that paper with the "Old Colony Memorial," forming a partnership with C. C. Doten, under the firm name of Avery & Doten, continuing to the present time. In 1889 he was appointed postmaster of Plymouth by President Harrison, and is rendering the public most efficient service.

Mr. Avery was first married in Williamstown, Vt., September 2, 1860, to Martha Eliza, daughter of David and Betsey (Olds) Burnham. Of this union were four children: Elmer Ellsworth, Martha Eliza (deceased), David Ebenezer, and Herbert Winslow (deceased). His second marriage was with Mary Abalana, daughter of Freeman and Hannah (Freeman) Landers. Their children are: Martha Eliza, Marcellus Chandler, Hannah Freeman (deceased), and Ebenezer Freeman (deceased).

Mr. Avery was charter member of Sagamore Encampment No. 45, I. O. O. F., holding the office of chief patriarch; chaplain and member of Mayflower Lodge No. 54, I. O. O. F., and chairman of its board of trustees for several years; charter member of Plymouth Bay Lodge K. of H. and its dictator; Plymouth Rock Lodge, I. O.

Winslow W. Avery
Winslow W. Avery

Winslow W. Avery.

G. T.; United Order Pilgrim Fathers; member of the Methodist-Episcopal church from early life, holding all the offices in the church and Sunday-school, being a working and influential member of the committee which had in charge the construction of the beautiful Memorial Methodist church in Plymouth. For many years he has served upon the board of trustees of the Plymouth Five Cents Savings Bank.

Mr. Avery was representative to the general court in 1880 and '81, rendering faithful and valuable service upon the committees to which he was appointed.