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l i i ELL. LOVELL. 335 literature ; then came " Babyland," and "Our Little Men and Women," fullowed l> "The Pansy." Mr. Lothrop lias enlarged his business houses as his publications have increased in volume, until his salesrooms and ware- houses are among the most extensive in the trade. Mis enjoyment of art and his critical appreciation are illustrated in all his work. He lives in Boston, his summer residence being in Concord, at "Wayside," the only home owned by Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Mr. Lothrop was married in Dover, N. H., July 25, i860, to Ellen J., daughter of Joseph and Nancy Morrill of that town. Of this union was one son, Winifred, who died at the age of three months. He was again married in New Haven, Conn., Oc- tober 4, 1.881, to Harriett Mulford, daugh- ter of Sidney M. and Harriett M. Stone of that city. Of this union was one daugh- ter: Margaret Mulford Lothrop, born July -7, 1884. LOVELL, BENJAMIN S., son of John P. and l.ydia (Dyer) Lovell, was born in Weymouth, Norfolk county. July 10, 1844, and received his early education in the common schools of his native town. At an early stage of the war of the rebel- lion, while only eighteen years of age. he prevailed upon his father, a staunch Union patriot, to permit him to shoulder a musket, and In- enlisted in company A, 421I regi- ment, Massachusetts volunteers. His com- panions in armsare pleased to bear witness to his many superior traits of character as a man and soldier. He was brave and generous, and as popular then as now. In 1S70 he became a member of Rey- nolds Post 58, C. A. R., anil was elei led its senior vice-commander for the years 1871, '72, '73, '74 and '75 ; was elected commander in 1876 and lias been chosen each year since, the present making Ins fourteenth term, a record as satisfactory as it is honorable. lie was junior vice department commander in 1880, and senior vice department commander in [881, but declined the nomination for department commander 111 1S82. Mr. Lovell has received main' positions of honor and trust from his fellow-citizens. lie was aide-de-camp to General John ('. Robinson, commander-in-chief of the na- tional encampment, G. A. R., 1877 and '78 ; delegate to the national encampment [886; also member of the council of ad- ministration in 1S87 ; member of the staff of Governor John 1). Long 111 1881 and '82 ; delegate to the national Republican conventions of 18S0, '84 and '88. He was chosen chairman of the Republican town committee in 1881, which position he still holds ; was elected a representative to the General Court, 1877— '78, serving on the committee on mercantile affairs ; a mem- ber of the state Senate in 1883, being appointed to the committee on harbors and public lands, military affairs, and Hoosac Tunnel and Troy & Greenfield Railroad. In 1SS5, when the soldiers' exemption bill was being agitated, he resolved to enter the field once more for the purpose of giving his voice and vote in favor of that measure, and was returned to the Legislature for 1886, serving on the rail- road and re-districting committees. Mr. Lovell is a prominent figure in busi- ness, politics, and G. A. R. affairs, and devoted to the welfare of all who wore the BENJAMIN S. LOVELL. blue. At present he is the treasurer of the extensive and well-known firm of John P. Lovell Arms Company, importers and dealers 111 lire-arms, hunting and fishing tackle, baseball goods, etc., Boston. Mr. Lovell was married at Weymouth, November 13, 1867, to M. Anna, daughter of Jonathan and Mercy Holmes. Of this union are two children : l.ydia Charlotte ami I Ielen Isabel l.ovell.