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39° MACK. MACKINTOSH. Jeffries Winter Club ; vice-president of the Red Men's Social Club ; a member of the executive committee of the Young Men's Republican Club (1880); secretary of the Republican ward and city committee ; a member of the board of examiners for the November 14, 187 1, at Lawrence, Mr. Mack was married to Emma F. Durrell, a teacher in the public schools of Lawrence. Mr. Mack is a member of the Tuscan Lodge, F. & A. M., and of the Royal Ar- canum. In December, 1887, he was elected mayor of the city of Lawrence and re- elected in 1888. He has never sought political office, and it was only at the earnest solicitation of the leading business men of Lawrence that he consented to allow his name to be presented as a candi- date for mayor. His administration has been marked by the same careful, consci- entious work that has ever characterized his business career, and his almost unani- mous re-election is proof positive that the citizens of Lawrence are fully satisfied with him as their chief executive. Many reforms have been instituted during his administra- tion, all of which have resulted in great benefit to the city. As a business man, he enjoys the confidence of the community, and has won the respect and esteem of the best men of both political parties. MACKINTOSH, JAMES, son of Ebene- zer W. and Hannah P. Mackintosh, was born in Needham, Norfolk county, April 9, 1838. JOSEPH B MACCABE. state agricultural college ; vice-president of the New England Press Association ; and is one of the three honorary members of the Independent Boston Fusileers (Vet- erans). In 1888 he represented ward 1 in the Boston city government ; was alternate to the national Republican convention, Chicago, that nominated Benjamin Harri- son for president. His father served in the Union army dur- ing the war of the rebellion, while his mother served her country as a nurse at the front, during the same struggle for the Union. MACK, ALVIN E., son of Ebenezer and Sophronia (Harding) Mack, was born at Lyme, New London county, Conn., April '3. l8 39- His educational training was obtained in the public schools of his native town, and at the Essex Seminary, Essex, Conn. He was for a tunc engaged in school- teaching in Connecticut, afterwards enter- ing the insurance business, and removing to Lawrence, engaged in the insurance and real estate business and the care of estates. JAMES MACKINTOSH. He was educated in the common schools of the town, attending the usual time al- lowed to farm boys of those days.