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MAYNAKb. MAYNARD. 399 resides in Chelsea, and has been a member of the Chelsea common council two years, St>2 and '0,5, and two years, 1864 and '65, a member of the board of aldermen. His church relations are with the First 'Congregational church, Chelsea, of which in- has been clerk, and also superintendent of the Sabbath-school. ing a partnership with Hon. William 1,. Smith, then mayor, in 1870, under the firm name of Smith & Maynard. This part- ( nership only lasted for three years, but Mr. Maynard has continued the practice of law in Springfield to the present time — for the past five years under the firm name of Maynard & Spellman. On the 25th of August, 1870, Mr. May- nard was married to Kate C, daughter of Calvin and Sarah (Townshend) Doty of Springfield, Pa. Mrs. Maynard died April 4, 1889, leaving as children : Robert I)., Ruth, and William Doty Maynard. In 1872 and '73 Mr. Maynard was a member of the common council of Spring- field, in 1879 he was representative to the General Court, and for two years, 1887 and '88, he was mayor of Springfield. He is a trustee of the Springfield Hospital T. -. SAMUEL W. MASON. Dr. Mason was married in Brooklyn; N. Y., July 28, 1853, to Ann VV., daughter of Col. Ashbel and Lucinda (Tenney) Smith, of Hanover, X. II. Of this union were three children : Mora A., Esther I'., and Mary C. Mason. MAYNARD, ELISHA BURR, son of Walter and Hannah (Burr) Maynard, was born in Wilbraham, Hampden count)-, November 2 1, 1842. He attended the schools of his native town until 1856, when he went to Spring- field, where he graduated from the high school, studying classics under Hon. M. P. Knowlton. Hcentered Dartmouth College in 1863, spent the junior year at Amherst, and was graduated from Dartmouth in , 167 After leaving college he studied law at Springfield in the office of George M. Stearns and Marcus P. Knowlton, and was admitted to the bar in 186S. A year later he opened a law office in Springfield, form- EUSHA B MA and of the Springfield Industrial and Technological school. In politics he is a Democrat. MAYNARD, LORENZO, son of Amory and Mary (Priest) Maynard, was born at Marlborough, Middlesex county, on the 2 2d of June, 1829. The common school and high school of Marlborough furnished him his means of obtaining an education. When seventeen years of age he moved with his parents to