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MERRIAM. MKKRILL. 407 MERRIAM, ARTEMAS, son of Joel and Polly (Farnsworth) Merriam, was born in Westminster, Worcester county, July 21, 18 18. He received a common school edu- cation. His first connection in business was in 1S44, but previous to this he had worked four years at tub-making. Changing to the manufacture of settees and chairs in 1S44, he started a small business, employ- ing only one or two hands. In 1848 he removed to South Westminster, where he now resides, and formed a co-partnership with George Holden, under the firm name of Merriam & Holden. Increase of busi- ness necessitated the enlargement of their ARTEMAS MERRIAM. manufacturing capacity, and in 1859 they took in another partner, Joel Merriam — firm name Merriam, Holden & Co. Busi- ness still increased, and in 1867 a larger factory was built. In November, 1869, he was burned out. He rebuilt and enlarged his business. In 1873 Joel Merriam died, and the death of the other partner, Mr. Holden, occurred soon after. Since that time Mr. Merriam has conducted the busi- ness alone, giving employment to a large number of his fellow-townsmen. Mr. Merriam was married in Westmin- ster, June 8, 1841, to Salome, daughter of Asa and Dolly (Whitney) Holden. Of this union were six children : Stilman F., Laura, Mary Ella, Ida Eliza, Willie, and Nellie Merriam. Mr. Merriam was a representative to the General Court, 1878, and has been select- man and overseer of the poor for several years. MERRIAM, Francis Peabody, son of Andrew and Ann Jane (Nixon) Merriam, was born at Middleton, Essex county, Jan- uary 20, 1818. He attended the common district school until sixteen years of age, and afterwards spent about a year in the English depart- ment of Phillips Academy, Andover. He learned the shoe trade, and in 1S39 opened a general country store. He after- wards became interested in the manufacture of shoes, and continued in trade till i860. He then sold the store and devoted himself to the shoe trade till 1871. He then sold out, but after two years he resumed the business and carried on the manufacture until 1887. He then retired from active business. Mr. Merriam was first married in Dan- vers, November 2r, 1844, to Mary F. Crosby. She died June 23, 1848. He was again married in Leominster, November 25, 1S49, to Hannah B., daughter of John and Elizabeth (Wilkins) Crosby. Of this last union were four children : Franklin C. and Jane Anita, deceased, and Mary Frances and Catherine Merriam, now living. Mr. Merriam was a member of the House of Representatives in 1877. He has never missed casting a vote in state and presiden- tial elections since his first vote for Harri- son in 1840. He was a Whig, and is now an ardent Republican. MERRILL, GEORGE S., son of Jona- t ban and Margaret (Clarke) Merrill, was born in Methuen, Essex county, March ro, 1836. His education was received in public and private schools of Methuen and Law- rence. Between 1853 and '56 he served an ap- prenticeship in the office of the " Lawrence Courier." In 1856 he became editor of the "Lawrence American," and since i860 has been sole proprietor and editor. He was five years a member and two years president of the common council of Lawrence. He was appointed postmaster by President Lincoln in 1861, holding the position twenty-five years. In 1862 he assisted in raising a company for the Union service, of which he became lieutenant, and afterward captain. The company was at- tached to the 4th regiment, Massachusetts