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MUDGE. MUki'in 433 Augustus (born October 4, 1852), and Mary Braman (born March 20, i860). Mr. Mudge has served on the school board of Dan vers for ten years, is presi- dent of the Danvers Savings Bank and trustee of Danvers Insane Asylum. In 1882 he was a member of the state Senate, serving on the committees on education, woman suffrage, and public charitable institutions. He is at present a member of the executive council of Governor Ames. His church connections are with the First Congregational church in Dan- vers, having been superintendent of the Sabbath-school for forty years. The family of Mudge is of considerable antiquity in English history, the name being originally written "Mugge" (pro- nounced with soft " g "), and may be found on record as early as the close of the four- teenth century. Augustus Mudge is a direct descendant of Jarvis Mudge, one of the thirty-six grantees or planters to whom home lots were granted in New London, Conn., in the year 1649. Jarvis Mudge was born in England, came to this country about the year 1638, was in Boston that year, in Hartford in 1640, in Weathers- field in 1644, and removed to Pequot, now New London, in 1649, where he died in l6 53- MUDGE, JOHN GREEN, son of John and Sarah (Field) Mudge, was born in Winchester, Cheshire county, N. H., March 26, 1823. His educational training was obtained in the common schools of his native town and in Deerfield Academy. In March, 1847, he entered business life for himself in the firm of Wetherell & Mudge, in Pe- tersham, conducting a country store, and manufacturing palm-leaf hats. This part- nership was dissolved in 1875 by the death of the senior partner, and since then Mr. Mudge has not been in active business. Mr. Mudge was married in Petersham, his present residence, December 7, 1848, to Eliza Ann, daughter of Sampson and Lucy (Kendall) Wetherell. Of this union were three children : Arthur C, Mary Eliza, and Ruth Wetherell Mudge. Mr. Mudge was a member of the House of Representatives, 1856, '58, and '65; and was a member of the state Senate, 1867 and '68. He has been treasurer of Peter- sham the past twenty years, director in the Miller's River National Bank, of Athol, since 1865 ; president and a trustee of Athol Savings Bank. He was captain of company F, 53d regiment, Massachusetts volunteers. MURPHY, JOHN R., son of John and Jane (Smiley) Murphy, was born in Charles- town, Middlesex county, August 25, 1856. He received his early education in the public schools of Boston, graduating from the Charlestown high school. His first connection in business was with Silsbee & Murphy, brokers, and subse- quently he was business manager of the " Boston Pilot " for seven years. JOHN R. MURPHY. Mr. Murphy was a representative in the lower branch of the Legislature in 1883, '84 and '85, and a member of the Senate in 1886. While in the House he performed conspicuous service for three years upon the committee on public charitable insti- tutions. In the Senate he served upon the committees on engrossed bills, printing (chairman), public health, and on the special committee for re-districting the state. In 1SS6, while a member of the Senate, he was appointed by Mayor O'Brien fire commissioner of the city of Boston, which position he now occupies, and in which city he continues to reside. In the dis- charge of all his official duties he has dis- played great energy, rare tact and an intel- ligent conception of work. Mr. Murphy resides in the Charlestown district, and is unmarried.