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436 NEWHALL. NEW HALL. NEWHALL, ASA TARBELL, was born in Lynnfield, Essex count}-, December 25, 1850. When he was five years of age, his parents removed to Lynn, where he has since resided His early education was obtained in the public schools. At the age of fourteen he entered the Lynn Mercantile Academy, tak- ing a business course of two years ; after graduating from this institution, he at- tended the Friends' School in the city of Providence, R. I. He is of sturdy New England stock, be- ing descended from a family of the primi- tive settlers whose occupation was farming. The attractions of farm life naturally pre- dominated in his choice of vocations, and at the age of eighteen he commenced busi- ngs as a farmer, on lands occupied by the ASA T. NEWHALL. earlier settlers of Lynn, and is still engaged in the business of farming and gardening. He married Cinderella, daughter of J. Chandler Newhall, of Lynnfield, November 21, 1S72. 'Their children are : Thomas Bancroft, Asa T., Grace Garland, and Bessie Little Newhall, of whom only the two latter are now living. He was elected a member of the com- mon council of Lynn in 1SS5 and '86, and represented the 5th Essex senatorial dis- trict in the Legislature of 1887, serving on the committees on agriculture, harbors and public lands, and manufactures, and was appointed a member of the special com- mittee of the General Court of 1887, to sit during the recess of the Legislature to con- sider the expediency of additional legisla- tion in respect to the employment and schooling of children. He was elected mayor of Lynn, Decem- ber 11, 1888. Mr. Newhall is a member of several benevolent and literary organizations, in- cluding West Lynn Lodge of Odd Fel- lows, Palestine Encampment, Canton Pal- estine ; Sagamore Tribe of Red Men ; the Order of Elks, and numerous social and political clubs. In national politics he is a Democrat, and for the past five years has served on the city committee. Having early manifested a special inter- est in agriculture, he connected himself with the Essex County Agricultural So- ciety, and has taken a prominent part in the affairs of this organization, having sev- eral times been elected a member of the board of trustees, which position he now holds. He delivered the annual address before this society at Salem in 1884. He has received several prizes from this so- ciety for reports and essays. NEWHALL, EDWARD, son of John and Delia (Breed) Newhall, was born in Lynn, Essex county, July 22, 1822. His family belonged to the Society of Friends, and his early education was secured at the Friends' School, in Providence, R. I. In 1845 he began the study of medicine under Dr. C. H. Nichols, since distinguished as the superintendent of the Bloomingdale Lunatic Asylum, in the city of New York. He afterwards entered the Harvard medi- cal school, from which he was graduated in the class of 1848. He then spent two years in Europe at- tending lectures and walking the hospitals in Paris, and as a student in the famous lying-in hospital of Dublin. In 1850 he returned and settled in Lynn, where his thorough medical education and devotion to his chosen profession soon secured him an extensive practice and reputation be- yond the limits of his own city. He has been president of both the Essex South Medical Society and the Lynn Medical Association. Dr. Newhall was married in Canton, Oc- tober 23, 1853, to Eliza F., daughter of James and Abigail Beaumont, of Canton, who died in June, 1870, leaving four chil- dren : Edward Beaumont, Herbert William,