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NICHOLS. NICKERSON. 439 and the " Life of Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg," for Houghton &: Mifflin's series of " Lead- ers of Religious Thought." During his last visit to Europe Mr. New- ton visited Count Tolstoi in his home at Moscow in Russia. He received the degree of D. D. from his own alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, on his return. A new church is at present in course of building on the site of the old St. Stephen's edifice in Pittsfield. NICHOLS, ALBERT, son of Joshua and Rebecca (Witherell) Nichols, was born in Chesterfield, Hampshire county, January 5, 1812. His education was limited to the district schools of those days. In 1837 he spent a short time in an academy. Farming was his chosen vocation, and he is still engaged in agricultural pursuits. Mr. Nichols was married in Williams- burg, April 12, 1838, to Clarinda B. daughter of William and Sylvia (Shepard) Johnson. Three children are the issue of this marriage : Warner B., William J., and John H. Nichols. Mr. Nichols was a member of the Ches- terfield school board and teacher in the schools from 1838 to '75. He served in the House of Representatives in 1861, '63, and '65. Fie has been justice of the peace twenty years, and has been called to serve his town in many of the municipal offices — selectman, etc., ten years, clerk and treasurer some twenty-three years. Three sons of Mr. Nichols rendered loyal service in the army and navy during the war of the rebellion, the two eldest finding a resting place beside thousands of their comrades in Arlington, Va. NICHOLS, GEORGE B., the son of Seth and Sally (Kidder) Nichols, was born at Weathersfield, Windsor county, Ver- mont, April 15, 1820. He received his education at the district schools of his native town and subse- quently at Meriden Academy, where he graduated at the age of fifteen. He came to Boston in 1S36 and entered the dry-goods jobbing store of Farrington (S: Converse, where he remained until twenty-one years of age, when he became a member of the firm of Amidown, Bow- man & Co., also in the dry-goods jobbing trade. Ten years later this firm became H. Amidown & Co., and subsequently Edwards, Nichols & Richards. In 1865 the firm disposed of their business, and in 1867 Mr. Nichols commenced in the wool business, on Federal Street. He is now on Atlantic Avenue, meeting with abundant and honorable success. Mr. Nichols was for some years a mem- ber of the school board, and also a mem- ber of the Legislature, but owing to the fact of his business taking up so much of his time, he has repeatedly refused offers of nominations to most of the important city offices. He is a director of the Manufacturers' National Bank, and one of the trustees of the Boston City Hospital. Mr. Nichols was married in Boston, De- cember 8, 1844, to Louisa, the daughter of Daniel and Lois Rhodes. Their surviving children are : George R., Ella Prudie, and Seth Nichols. Mr. Nichols's ancestors on the paternal side came over from Wales two hundred and twenty years ago and settled in Co- hasset. His mother's ancestors came over from Scotland. NICHOLS, William Henry, son of Peter and Mary (Tarr) Nichols, was born in Gloucester, Essex county, October 6, 1846. He began business life as shop-boy with William A. Pew, fishermen's supplies, etc., and later on, in common with the majority of young men of the place, engaged in fishing for a time. He returned to mer- cantile life, and was book-keeper for some of the leading firms in Gloucester. He then engaged in the wholesale fish trade, and finally, in 1885, entered the paint and oil business, in which he is at present interested. He has devoted himself closely to his business, and has had but little time to give to considerations of public office. He is, however, a member of the Republican ward and city committee, and in 1889 was a member of the House of Repre- sentatives, from the nth Essex district, serving on the committee on prisons. Mr. Nichols was married in Gloucester, July 11, 1869, to M. Augusta, daughter of William H. and Mary T. (Brazier) Young. Mrs. Nichols died in 1871, leaving two children : Maud A. and Willis A. Nichols. He has always been locally identified with Republican politics and has held the various ward offices. NICKERSON, REUBEN, son of Reuben and Keziah (Young) Nickerson, was born in Eastham, Barnstable county, July 12, 1814. He is a descendant of William Nicker- son, who was one of the first settlers of Chatham.