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PALFRAY. PALMER. 457 PALFRAY, Charles Warwick, was born in Salem, Essex county, December 20, 1813. He is the son of Warwick and Elizabeth (Roundy) Palfray, and a descend- ant of Peter Palfray, one of the " Old Planters " who came to Salem in 1626 with Roger Conant and others. He attended the private school of Samuel H. Archer, was a member of the first class of the Salem English high school, and was W. PALFRAY fitted for college by Henry K. Oliver. He entered Harvard College in 1831, and was graduated in 1S35. After graduation he completed a legal course in the office of Hon. Leverett Sal- tonstall in Salem, and at the Dane law school in Cambridge. He received his degree of LL. B. in 1838, after which he was admitted to practice in all the courts of the Commonwealth. He opened a law office in Salem for a short time, but never practiced, his father dying a few days before his admission to the bar, and in August, 1838, the son succeeded him as one of the editors of the Essex, now Salem, " Register," with which he has been connected ever since. Mr. Palfray was a representative to the General Court, from Salem, in 1840, '41, '64 and '66. He was a member of the state valuation committee in 1865 ; collec- tor of customs for the district of Salem and Beverly from 1869 to '73 ; a mem- ber of the Essex Institute, a fellow of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, and an honorary member of A. B. C. F. M. He has never married. PALMER, Charles Dana, son of George Wall and Ellen H. (Jackson) Pal- mer, was born in Cambridge, Middlesex county, November 25, 1S45. His early education was received in the Dwight school, Boston. He fitted for college in the Boston public Latin school, graduating therefrom in 1864. He entered Harvard University the same year, and was graduated in the class of 1868. In October, 1868, he went to Lawrence, entering the employment of the Washing- ton Mills. He was sent to Canada in 1S69 to purchase wool for the company. In 1S72 he entered into partnership with Thomas H. Gray, of Walpole, and John Pendergast, of Lawrence, with whom, in charge of the mills at North Chelms- ford, he manufactured shoddy for ten years. He then sold out the business and retired. , Mr. Palmer was mayor of Lowell in 1SS8, and is now serving his second term. Mr. Palmer married, in Lowell, May 20, 1880, Rowena, youngest daughter of Fisher Ames and Lauretta (Coburn) Hil- dreth, of Lowell. Of this union are two children : Elinor and Jackson Palmer. PALMER, Dwight Waldo, son of F. A. and Hannah (Smith) Palmer, was born in Amherst, Hampshire county, November 22, 1825. He received his education in the com- mon schools and at Amherst Academy. His first connection in business was in Springfield, where he carried on the dry- goods trade ten years. He then removed to Amherst, where he carried on the same line of business thirty years. He is at present president of the trustees of the Smith charities, Northampton, hav- ing held this position four years. Mr. Palmer has been twice married, and has four children. His residence is Am- herst. PALMER, MOSES POORE, the son of Moses H. and Mary H. Palmer, of East Bradford (now Groveland), Mass., was born at Derry, Rockingham county, N. H., May 1, 1S30. His paternal ancestors came over origin- ally from England — his grandfather on the same side being a native of East Bradford.