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468 PEASE. PECK. Mr. Pease early disclosed a strong bent toward historical studies, and for many years his leisure time was devoted to his- torical and antiquarian research. Few men who have written so much, have published so little. By request of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, he prepared some ten years ago a biographical memoir of James Athearn Jones, scholar and nov- elist, a cotemporary and friend of William C u Hen Bryant. He was a member of the House of Rep- resentatives in 1842 ; presidential elector from the 1st congressional district of Massachusetts in 1868 ; register of pro- bate for Dukes county from April, 1853, to March, 1855 ; clerk of the courts for Dukes county from May, 1856, to Jan- uary, 1872. He was postmaster of Edgar- town from December, 1877, to September, 1885 ; in 1854 he was appointed a justice of the peace ; and in May, 1865, notary RICHARD L PEASE. public. He was also a member of the Webster Historical Society of Boston, and on September 18, 1851, was appointed a corresponding member of the Albany In- stitute. Mr. Pease was married at Edgartown, January 17, 1836, to Mary West Pease, by whom he had two children : .Maria Thurs- ton and Harriet Marshall Pease. Mr. Pease died September 2, 188S, at Edgartown. By his death his literary co- temporaries lost a most highly respected brother in the fraternity, societies for his- toric research a most industrious chroni- cler, his town a valued citizen, his church an earnest Christian, and his family circle a member loving and beloved. PEASE, Theodore Claudius, son of Claudius B. ami Elvira Ann (Smith) Pease, was born at Poughkeepsie, Dutchess county, N. Y., on the 14th day of October, 1853- He received his early education in the public and private schools in Somers, Conn., where he lived after he was four years of age. He prepared himself for college at the high school of Springfield, Mass., entering Harvard College in 1871, and was graduated in 1875. For a time he was a teacher in a private school in Springfield, and also in the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. After a three years' course at the An- dover Theological Seminary, he graduated in 1880, and was ordained pastor of the Congregational church of West Lebanon, N. H., in the same year, remaining as pastor four years. He was installed De- cember, 1884, over the First church (Trin- itarian Congregational), Maiden, Mass., and continues in the same pastorate. Mr. Pease was an editor of the " Har- vard Advocate" while in college, and for a number of years a regular reviewer of books for the " Literary World." He is a member of the Dante Society and the American Philological Association. In 1880 he was married to Abbie F., daughter of Elijah and Mary D. Cutter, of Somers, Conn.; and of a family of four children, only one is living : Arthur Stan- ley, born September 22, 1881. PECK, William Gaylord, son of Abel G. and Eliza A. Peck, was born in Boston, March 12, 1841. Since 1852 his residence has been Arlington. His early education was acquired at Chauncy Hall school and in the public schools of Arlington. He fitted for col- lege at Phillips Academy, Andover, under Rev. Samuel H. Taylor, entered Yale Col- lege in i860, and was graduated therefrom in 1864. During his junior year he was chosen one of the editors of the " Yale Literary Magazine." August, 1864, he became associated with his father, as clerk in the banking and brokerage business, in Boston. January 1, 1866, he was admitted as partner, under