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4/0 PEIRCE. PEIRCE. ence helped the wider interests which cen- tre in good citizenship. Dr. Peirce died quite suddenly, April 19, 1889, at his residence in Newton Cen- tre. He was personally a man of lovely character, full of tender regard for others, and ever ready to extend a helping hand to the needy and suffering. In New- ton, where he resided for many years, he was sincerely beloved and respected. He took an active interest in the affairs of the city, and was prominent in every effort calculated to advance the intelligence and morals of the community. PEIRCE, Henry Bailey, son of Mar- tin B. and Mary E. (Wellman) Peirce, was born in Duxbury, Plymouth county, August 6, 1841. His early education was obtained in the public schools of Abington, and in a mer- cantile academy in Boston. He enlisted October 14, 1S61, as a private in the 23d Massachusetts volun- teers ; received a warrant as commissary- sergeant in 1S62 ; was commissioned 1st lieutenant in 1863 ; appointed regimental quartermaster, January 3, 1864; commis- sioned captain, September 20, 1864 ; served on the staff of General Edward Harland, as A. C. S. during the last campaign of the war, and was mustered out of the service July 10, 1865. He soon after became engaged in the insurance business in Boston and vicinity, representing the Manhattan Life Insur- ance of New York, the Travelers Insur- ance Company of Hartford, Conn., also doing a brokerage business for several fire insurance companies. In 1870 he was appointed assistant adjutant-general of the department of Massachusetts, G. A. R., and was re-ap- pointed each year until 1876. In 1875 he was elected secretary of the Common- wealth, and is now serving his fourteenth year in that office, having been renomi- nated each year by acclamation. Mr. Peirce is president of the Abing- ton Mutual Fire Insurance Company; a trustee of the savings bank and of the public library in the town of Abington ; lie is one of the directors in the Massachu- setts Benefit Association in the city of Boston, and has held, to great acceptance, many other positions of trust and respon- sibility. In his official capacity as secretary of the Commonwealth he is a conspicuous figure upon state occasions, and has con- ducted the affairs of his department with efficiency and success. PEIRCE, SILAS, son of Elijah and Lucy P. (Nash) Peirce, was born in Scituate, Plymouth county, July 27, 1826. His edu- cational training was received in the public schools. In 1845 he went to Boston and engaged with Silas Peirce & Co., wholesale grocers, remaining with them until 1856, when he was received into the firm, and has re- mained until the present time. His time is now divided for the greater part between the Boston National Bank and the North American Insurance Com- pany, he being president of both corpora- tions. SILAS PEIRCE. Mr. Peirce was married in Boston, De- cember 24, 1852, to Almira, daughter of Matthew and Almira (Vinal) Hall. Of this union were three children : Lucy, Silas, and Susan Hall Peirce Mr. Peirce is also president of the Hingham Cordage Com- pany, Boston Cooperage Company ; direct- or in the Old Colony Steamboat Company, Kennebec Steamboat Company, Hingham, Hull & Downer Landing Steamboat Com- pany, Northern Railroad Company of New Hampshire, and East Boston Land Com- pany. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Wesleyan Association ; treasurer of the board of trustees and superintendent of the Sunday-school of