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POLLARD. POMEROV. 485 of 1S45 — receiving the degree of A. M. in course, and that of LL. 1). in 1S69. He was admitted to the bar in New Bed- ford in December, 1848. In 1S50 he formed a law co-partnership with Hon. T. D. Eliot, which continued till 1855 ; then for nine years practiced alone, at the end of which time he formed a co-partner- ship with Hon. A. Borden, which relation continued five years, till 1869. He is at present the senior associate jus- tice of the superior court of Massachu- setts, having been appointed in 1869. Judge Pitman was a member of the House of Representatives in 1858, and of the Senate in 1S64, '65, '68 and '69, and the last year was president of the same. He was married in New Bedford, August 15, 1S55, to Frances R., daughter of the late Rev. M. G. Thomas. Of this union are two children living : Francis C. and Arthur S. Pitman. fudge Pitman is a Prohibitionist, and an active factor in all movements leading up to that one result. He is the author of " Alco- hol and the State," published in 1877. His residence is Newton, to which city he re- moved October 1, 1876. POLLARD, ARTHUR GAYTON, son of Colonel Joseph S. and Luella J. (Tucker) Pollard, was born in Plaistow, Rockingham county, N. H., January 5, 1845. He was educated in the public schools of Plaistow and Lowell. Upon leaving school he was engaged as clerk in the dry-goods store of Hon. Hocum Hosford, Lowell, in 1 86 1, and in 1864 was admitted as partner in the business. He became sole proprietor in 18S5, Mr. Hosford having died several years previous. In 18S6 he admitted his book-keeper, Harry Dunlap, as partner, the firm now being A. G. Pollard & Co. Mr. Pollard was married in Keeseville, N. Y„ October 14, 1869, to Martha M., daughter of George G. and Martha M. (Dean) Fuller. Of this union there were four children, two of whom died in infancy, and two are now living : Harry Gilmore and Edith Frances Pollard Mr. Pollard is a director in the Mer- chants' National Bank, Lowell, Lowell Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Lowell Hosiery Company, and Appleton Manufac- turing Company. He is a trustee and one of the investment committee of the Cen- tral Savings Bank, Lowell ; treasurer of the proprietors of the South Congrega- tional Meeting-house, and a director in the Lowell board of trade. He has always been quite prominent in Masonic circles ; is past master of Ancient New York Lodge ; past high priest, Mt. Horeb R. A. Chapter ; past thrice illustri- ous master, Ahasuerus Council, and past eminent commander of Pilgrim Command- ery, K. T. In 1S80 he was deputy grand high priest of the Grand R. A. Chapter of Massachusetts. In 1883 he was deputy grand master of the Grand Council of Massachusetts. In 1887 he was elected most excellent grand high priest of the Grand R. A. Chapter of Massachusetts, which position he still holds. POMEROY, Alanson Brown, son of Alanson and Anna Brown Pomeroy, was born in Washington, Berkshire county, February 8, 1842. He was educated in the common schools of his native town. He began life as a farmer and wood dealer. In 1884 he worked a year in Springfield, in the grocery trade. He sub- sequently went back to farming and deal- ing in wood, real estate exchange, etc. During the war of the rebellion he served one year in the 61st regiment, Mas- sachusetts volunteers. He has held every office in the gift of the town, having been chairman of the board of selectmen twelve years, and for a portion of that time, treasurer also, which fact attests to the confidence reposed in him by his towns- men. He has served on the school board almost consecutively since he was twenty- one years old. He served in the lower branch of the Legislature during the ses- sion of 1875. He is now located in one of the pleasantest spots of the town, and dis- penses his hospitality with a generous hand. Mr. Pomeroy was married in Albany, N. Y., September 22, 1866, to Mary Eliza- beth, daughter of Clark T. and Lydia R. (Mack) Lyman. Of this union were six children : Frank A., Jessie L. (deceased), Mabel E., Irving W., Rupert H. (deceased), and Carleton M. Pomeroy. POMEROY, CHARLES, son of Medad and Jerusha (Alexander) Pomeroy, was born in Warwick, Franklin county, July 14, 1818. His early education was obtained in the common schools of Warwick, after which he attended the high school at Northfield. Subsequently he engaged in teaching, but finally chose farming as a vocation. Lie is also employed as a justice of the peace, trial justice and notary public, and does quite an extensive business as an insurance agent. Mr. Pomeroy was married in Bernardston, August 28, 1S44, to Laura C, daughter of