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PRESCOTT. PRESCOTT. 491 since the establishment of the office in 1877; has been a member of the Taunton school board fifteen years ; is a trustee of Bristol Academy, Taunton ; has been a member of the board of water commissioners of Taunton since 1881 ; is president of the Taunton Hospital Company (Morton Hos- pital) ; senior member of the consulting staff of Morton Hospital, and a member of the board of investment of the Bristol County Savings Bank. became sole proprietor of the business, in which he has continued to date. Mr. Prescott was married in East Ran- dolph (now Holbrook) in December, 1870, to Abbie M., daughter of Lewis and Abi- gail N. (Belcher) Alclen. Of this union were two children : Bessie A. (deceased) and Nellie G. Prescott. Mr. Prescott served in the 42d regiment Massachusetts volunteers in 1863. He is a member of the order of F. & A. M., and of the Royal Arcanum. PRESCOTT, CHARLES J., son of Ed- ward and Catharine L. (Clough) Prescott, was born in Boston, February 15, 1838. His mother was a daughter of Ebenezer Clough. He pursued his early studies at the Brimmer school ; in 1853 entered the Eng- lish high school and was graduated in the class of 1856. SILAS D. PRESBREY. To Dr. Presbrey's agitation of the sub- ject, and persistence in the charitable work, was due the success of establishing the city hospital in Taunton, known as the Morton Hospital, and named in honor of the late Marcus Morton, whose home- stead estate was presented the hospital corporation by his daughter, Mrs. Susan T. Kimball, of Boston. This was in 1 888, the year of the founding of the hos- pital. PRESCOTT, CHARLES, son of Aaron A. and Betsey (Hunt) Prescott, was born in Randolph, Norfolk county, October 11, 1S45. The common and high schools gave him his educational training. His first venture was in the grocery business in Randolph, with his brother. This relation continued ten years, when he ^ m CHARLES J. PRESCOTT. He then was employed as clerk in the coal and wood business till May. 1862, when he became a partner in the firm of W. L. & C. J. Prescott. This relation continued until 18S7. He is now commis- sioner of public institutions, Boston, having been appointed by Mayor Hart for the term of two years ending in April, 1891. Mr. Prescott was married in Thetford, Vt., December 30, 1S68, to Anna Frances,