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SMITH. SMITH. as engineer. He subsequently chose the vocation of farmer, as better suited to his tastes, and settled in his native town. Mr. Smith was married in West Ded- ham, November 26, 1S76, to Mary Hardy, daughter of John Humphrey, a com- mander in the United States navy during the rebellion, and Mary S. (Hardy) Hum- phrey, sister of the late Hon. Alpheus Hardy. Of this union arc : Bessie M., Maud'C, Abner It., and Edith H. Smith. Mr. Smith has been chairman of the Unitarian parish committee, and a trustee of the Barden library fund ; treasurer of the Norfolk county Republican committee for the past six years ; was one of the originators of the Norfolk Club, and has been one of the executive committee of the club since its organization ; has been town clerk for the past thirteen years, hav- ing succeeded his father, who had held the same office twenty years ; and has been a member of the board of selectmen, over- seers of the poor and board of health for six years — having lately resigned to ac- cept the position of county treasurer. SMITH, FRANK, son of Albert L. and Sarah E. (Howe) Smith, was born in Dover, Norfolk county, June 11, 1S54. He received his educational training in the public schools. In 1S72 he was appointed teacher of the Hover east school ; two years later he be- came teacher of the centre school, where he remained several years. In 1S.X2 he entered the educational department of the publishing house of Thompson, Brown & Co., Boston, as agent for their school books, in which business he has since con- tinued. Mr. Smith was married in West Dedham, October 17, 1888, to Jennie Gertrude, daugh- ter of Samuel F. and Hannah (Ellis) Alien. Mr. Smith has been superintendent of the Unitarian Sunday-school lor thirteen years; chairman of' the Dover school board, and superintendent of public schools since [883 ; lecturer in the Middlesex and Norfolk union grange ; was a representa- tive in the Legislature from the 9th Nor- folk district in 1X.X7, .ind served on the committee on education. He was distin- guished as a Prohibitory Democrat. He delivered the Dover centennial ad- dress in 1876, and the address at the dedi- cation of the town hall in 187S. SMITH, George Edwin, son of David H. and Esther (Perkins) Smith, was born in New Hampton, Belknap county, N II., April s, 1849. He received his early education in the common schools of his native town, and was fitted for college in Nichols's Latin school, Lewiston, Me., and the New Hampton Liter- ary Institute, N. H. He was graduated from Bates College, Lewiston, Me., in the class of 187; He then studied law in the office of Hon. Wil- liam P. Frye (Erye, Cotton & White), Lewiston, Me. He was admitted to the bar in Boston, in May, 1875, anil was asso- ciated in business in the same city with the late Horace R. Cheney. On the death of Mr. Cheney, in December, 1876, he as- sumed the business himself, which he still carries on. In 1883 and '84 Mr. Smith was one of the representatives to the Legislature from the 8th Middlesex district. He is one of the trustees of the Everett public library, which position he has held for about eight years. In 1879 he was elected by the alumni a member of the board of overseers of Bates College, and in 1884 he was chosen by the corporation a member of the board of president and fellows of the same insti- tution. He belongs to the Palestine Lodge of Masons, Everett, where he now resides. Mr. Smith was married at Buxton, Me., October 31, 1S76, to Sarah F., daughter of Charles E. and Eliza (Allen) Weld, by whom he has one child : Theodosia Weld Smith. SMITH, George Herbert, son of Ed- mund H. and Lucy (Blanchard) Smith, was born in Chicopee, Hampden county, Julv 4, 1840. His earlier education was received in the common schools, and after taking a partial course in the high school at South Hadlcv Falls, he entered the Wesleyan Academy at Wilbraham, from which he graduated in 1S61. Immediately after graduation, he com- menced the study of medicine under the tuition of Dr. K.T.Chaffee of Windsor, Conn., and pursued his studies until Sep- tember, 1. So j. at which time he enlisted in the 25th regiment, Connecticut volunteers, anil became a member of the expedition to Louisiana, under command of Gen, N. P. Banks. In March, 186,;, he was appointed to the surgical staff of his regiment, which position he occupied during his term of service. After his return from the scene of active hostilities, he resumed his studies and graduated from Bellevue Medical Col- lege in March, 1865. Dr. Smith commenced practice in Sims- bury, Conn., where he remained till Sep- tember, 1866. Failing health induced him