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SNOW. SOHIER. 563 From 1S56 to '63 he held the Collins pro- fessorship of natural and revealed religion in Bowdoin. In 1862 and '63 he studied abroad, principally in Halle and Berlin. Since 1863 he has held the chair of Brown professor of ecclesiastical history in Andover Theological Seminary ; being also lecturer on pastoral theology, iS63-'68. He received the degree of D. D. from Bowdoin College in 1866, and from Har- vard University in 1886. He is a member of the American Antiquarian Society, and of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Dr. Smyth was married in Portland, Me., August 12, 1857, to Elizabeth B. Dwight. He has been an overseer of Bowdoin Col- lege, and trustee of the same since 1877. He has also been a trustee of Abbott Academy ; and was a member of the pru- dential committee of the A. B. C. F. M. from 1875 to '86. He is president of the faculty of Andover Theological Seminary, and has been a co-editor of the "Andover Review" since January, 1884. SNOW, FREDERICK, son of Timothy and Ruth Snow, was born in Becket, Berk- shire countv, March 21, 1820. FREDERICK SNOW. He received a common school education in the public schools of Becket, and subse- quently studied in select schools in Becket and Otis. He turned his attention to farming in early life, and has ever since followed his chosen occupation. Mr. Snow has never accepted any polit- ical office, but has served his town and church in various relations. He represents in character, as well as descent, the old New England stock now rapidly disappearing from the Berkshire Hills.' He is a liberal reader of whatever bears upon agriculture and kindred pursuits, in- terested in all its improvements, with a genuine attachment for his vocation. He resides on his broad patrimony of acres, possessed by his sterling ancestry since the settlement of the town. He is a true rep- resentative of the prosperous New England farmer. Mr. Snow is unmarried. SNOW, SAMUEL, son of Alvan and Almira Snow, was born in Hyannis, in the town of Barnstable, Barnstable county, April 14, 1828. He received his education in the com- mon schools of his native place. During his early manhood he sought the sea for a livelihood, but this he relin- quished in 1847, and engaged in the lumber trade in Hyannis until 1869, when he retired. Mr. Snow was married in Lawrence, November 23, 1S53, to Sarah J., daughter of Pardon and Mercy S. Armington. They have one child : Frank Snow. Mr. Snow has been called to serve in various municipal offices, and in 1876 and '77 was elected to the House of Repre- sentatives. He was elected to the Senate from the Cape senatorial district for the years 1880 and '81, and county com- missioner of Barnstable county in 1887. He was connected with the Barnstable Savings Bank as trustee, and as one of its receivers when it was closed up. He has been one of the directors of the First National Bank of Yarmouth since 1879. SOHIER, WILLIAM DavieS, son of Wil- liam and Susan Cabot (Lowell) Sohier (daughter of John Amory Lowell), was born in Boston, October 22, 1858. He received his early educational train- ing in private schools in Boston and the public schools of Beverly. He studied in the Institute of Technology in the class of 1875, and in the Harvard law school in 1 876— '79. He pursued his legal studies also in the office of Henry W. Paine and Robert D. Smith.