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TA FT. TALBOT. 591 representatives to the great council of the United States. He is a member of the Royal Society of Good Fellows, being grand counselor of the grand assembly of Massachusetts at the present time. He is also a member of the New Hampshire Club. Mr. Taft is a Republican in politics, and in 1889, by the largest majority ever given a representative from the 10th Essex dis- trict, he was sent as a representative to the state Legislature. There he served as clerk upon the committee on railroads, of which he was an active working member, and at the close of the session was spoken of by the press as one of the leaders of the House. Mr. Taft is distinctively a self-made man, having worked his own way from the begin- ning through school and while reading law. He has now a large law practice, and has been successful in his business enterprises. TAFT, MOSES, was born in Uxbridge, Worcester county, January 26, 1812. The district schools and academy of Ux- bridge gave him his early mental training, as he attended no other, save the Friends' school, in Bolton, taught by Thomas Fry. MOSES TAFT. Using the opportunities for such im- provement in the way of business educa- tion as we have named, he fitted himself for the business followed by his father, the manufacture of satinet. He has almost constantly been engaged in the same kind of manufacturing business, lirst on his own account, secondly with Samuel W. Scott, in Burrillville, R. I.; then return- ing, he was engaged with James W. Day, as Taft, Day & Co.; and later, upon the withdrawal of Mr. Day, the firm be- came Taft & Capron. He has also been interested in manufacturing in Caryville, Northborough and Southborough in this State, and at Proctorsville, Vt. Mr. Taft is president of the Blackstone Bank, and of the Uxbridge Savings Bank. April 27, 1834, he married Sylvia Ann Wheelock. Of this union were : Sarah W. (now Mrs. Lewis T. Murdock), Susan H. (now Mrs. William E. Hayward), and Luke H. Taft. Mr. Taft's second marriage was with Mrs. Emeline (Taft) Wing. He has no children by the second marriage. Mr. Taft represented his town in the Legislature in 1S47, and has frequently been called to serve on the board of select- men. He is a member and officer of the First Congregational society of Uxbridge, and of the Uxbridge Lodge of I. O. O. F. He is widely known as a successful manu- facturer and financier, and has been closely allied to the prosperity of his town. TALBOT, ZEPHANIAH, was born in South Hanover, Plymouth county, June 22, 1834. His early education was obtained in the public schools of those days, and at Han- over Academy, he then serving a full apprenticeship with the Corliss Steam En- gine Company, Providence, R. I. His first connection in business was with 1 ). K. Stetson, Woodville, a village of Hopkinton, in the manufacture of shoe- nails and tacks, under the firm name of Stetson & Talbot. In 1866 they moved to Holliston, where Mr. Talbot continued an active member of the firm twenty-one years. In February, 18S7, he purchased the interests of his partner, and continued the business as sole owner. In 1882 he became treasurer of the Holliston Mills, which position he still holds. He married in Boston, May 21, 1863, Eliza F.Paul. They have four children : Henry P., Minnie E., James, and John E. Talbot. Mr. Talbot was elected to the board of selectmen, Holliston, in 1S86 ; was chair- man of the board of assessors from 1876 to '79 inclusive ; a member of the school board nine years ; was for several years a director in the Holliston National Bank, and Holliston Savings Bank. He was a staff officer in the regular ser- vice of the United States navy during the