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TUCKER. TUCKER. 6ll are : Gertrude E. (Mrs. A. E. Rutler) and (".race L. (Mrs. George H. Eaton). Mr. Truell is a member of Grecian Lodge of Masons, Royal Arch Chapter, Royal Arcanum, Home Club, and of the Laurence board of trade. He is a director of the Merrimack Valley Horse Railroad and the Pacific National Bank. He has held a commission as justice of the peace for many years, in 1865 was a member of the Lawrence common council, a member of the lower branch of the Legislature in 1875 and '76, serving upon the committees on labor, statistics, and mercantile affairs. In 1877 and '78 he was a member of the Senate, serving each year on the commit- tees on mercantile affairs (chairman 1878) and prisons (chairman both years). In 1888 he was alternate delegate to the national Republican convention at Chi- cago. In 1889 he was elected to serve as a member of the executive council of Gov- ernor Brackett. TUCKER, LNOS HOIGHTON, son of En os I loughton and Sally ( Harris) Tucker, was born in Needham, Norfolk county, July 5, 1814. ENOS H TUCKER He received a common school education, and in 1837 came to Boston and found employment with Benjamin Converse in the Boylston market. He remained in the provision business till 1849. and then went into the employ of the Norfolk County and the Boston & Providence railroads, and has since been engaged in the railroad business. In 1867 he returned to Need- ham to take charge of the Woonsocket division of the Boston, Hartford & Erie Railroad, now the New York & New Eng- land road, and is at present division super- intendent of the same. He has been chairman of the selectmen and of the board of assessors, and is clerk and treasurer of the First parish of Need- ham. He is a prominent Mason and Odd Fellow, and has been a director in the Oild Fellows' Hall Association, of Boston, since its organization in 1870. In 1885 he represented the 9th Norfolk district in the House of Representatives, where he served upon several important committees. He was a member of the state Senate in [888 and '89, both years being chairman of the committee on the stale-house, and a member of the commit- tee on street railways. In Dedham, on the 25th of February, 1852, Mr. Tucker was married to Frances, daughter of Stephen and Mary L. (Paul) Fales. Their only living child is Frederic Houghton Tucker ; Charles Francis and Stephen Henry having deceased. TUCKER, WlLLIA.M JEWETT, son of Henry and Sarah (Lester) Tucker, was born in Griswold, New London county, Conn.. |uly [3, 1839. He was educated in the common schools, Meriden Academy, Meriden, N. H., and Dartmouth College, graduating from the latter in the class of 1861. Choosing the church as his field of labor, he studied for the ministry in Andover Theological Semi- nary, and was graduated therefrom in 1 866. He was pastor of the Franklin Street Congregational church, Manchester, N. II., [867 to '75 ; Madison Square Presbyterian church, New York City, 1875 to '80, and has been professor of homiletics, Andover Theological Seminary, from 1880 to the present time. Professor Tucker was first married in 1870, to Charlotte H., daughter of John Rogers, Plymouth, X. H. His second marriage was in 1887, with Charlotte B., daughter of Rev. Henry T. Cheever, of Worcester. He has three children : Alice Lester, Margaret, and Elizabeth Washburn Tucker. Professor Tucker is one of the editors of the " Andover Review," established in 1884 ; also of " Hymns of the Faith," pub-