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WADSWORTH. WALKER. 621 WADSWORTH, Edwin Dexter, son of Thomas Thatcher ami Mary (Bradlee) Wadsworth, was born in Milton, Norfolk county, December 3, 1832. He obtained his educational training in the public schools of Milton and Milton Academy. In 1849 he joined the exodus to the gold- fields of California. He afterwards followed the sea, commanding sailing vessels and steamships in the China, European, South American, and coastwise trade. Later on he was in command of a steamship in the transport service during the rebellion. He finally retired from the sea, and engaged in the retail coal trade. He is now treasurer of the Boston Marine Society. Captain Wadsworth was married in Mil- ton, November 5, [862, to Ellen Maria, daughter of Joshua and Ann Gulliver (Babcock) Emerson. Of this union are two children : Dexter Kmerson and Annie Mary Wadsworth. Captain Wadsworth is of the eighth generation from Christopher Wadsworth, who settled at Duxbury, in 1632, and of the seventh from Captain Samuel Wads- worth, who was killed at Sudbury, in King Philip's war, in 1076. The place on which he now resides was a part of the home- stead of Captain .Samuel, and has re mained in the family more than two hun- dred and thirty years. Captain Wadsworth was chief officei ol the first American merchant ship thai traded in a Japanese port. lie has been selectman, assessor, and overseer <>( the poor; a member of the school board six years; a trustee of the public library eighteen years ; he is presi- dent of the Milton Water Company, and a director in the Society of California Pioneei s 1 >i v England. The life of Captain Wadsworth has been an eventful one, and his family history is interwoven with the chronicles of New England from colonial days. WALDRON, Daniel Wingate, son of Daniel and Susan (Wingate) Waldron, was born in Augusta, Kennebec county, Maine, November 1 1, 1S40. He received his early educational training in his native city. He- entered Bowdoin College in 1S58, and was graduated in tin- class of 1862. He studied theology two years in Bangor Thcologii ,il Seminary, and one year at An- dover, and was graduated from the theo- logical school at the latter place in 1866. I le was ordained and installed as a Con- gregational minister at East Weymouth, Vpril 3, 1867, from which pastorate he was dismissed May 14, 1S71, to become acting pastor of the Maverick Congregational church, East Boston. This position he held until December, 1S72, when he closed his labors at East Boston to accept the po- sition of clerical missionary of the City Missionary Society of Boston. He has continued in the work of this society to the present time. DANIEL W. WALDRON. In addition to his visits among the poor, preaching in chapels and presenting the claims of city missions to the churches, he has established the "Easter card mission," the " fresh-air fund," the "Thanksgiving dinner charity," and the " Christmas letter and card mission." lie was elected chaplain of the House of Representatives in 1879, and each year since has been re-elected, having served in all, eleven years. He preached the annual sermon before the executive and legislative departments of the government, January 7, 18S0. WALKER, BENJAMIN, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Tweed) Walker, was born in Wilmington, Middlesex county, June 24, 1822. He is a lineal descendant, through a family long settled in that county and distinguished in public service, from Cap- tain Richard Walker, who came from England and settled in Lynn about 1630;