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WALl.Ai I . WALLACE. 627 member of the school board since 1885, at present holding the position of secretary of the board, lie was at one time a mem- ber of the board of selectmen of Methuen for two years. He is treasurer of Methuen Council No. 41, R. A.; honorary member of Colonel William B. Greene Post No. 100, G. A. R. (Methuen); past grand of Hope Lodge, No. 34, I. O. 1'., and president of the Methuen Gas Light Company at the pres- ent time. He is a Democrat in politics, and in 1S84 was a delegate to the national Democratic convention, where he sup- ported President Cleveland. WALLACE, ANDREW B., son of David and Christine (Brabner) Wallace, is a na- tive of Scotland, and came to America twenty-one 3 ears ago. He was born March 27, 1842, in Newburgh-on-Tay, and after attending the grammar school until he was fifteen, he served a four years' apprentice- ship in the dry-goods business in his native ANDREW B WALLACE. town. For a time he held a clerkship in .Sterling and Glasgow, and came to Boston in 1867. For three years he was in the employ of Hogg, Brown & Taylor ; then, moving to Pittsfield, he opened a dry-goods business for himself, which he continued until 1874, when he went to Springfield, and formed the partnership which has since done business under the firm name of Forbes & Wallace. The business of the firm has rapidly grown to its present important and influential position. Mr. Wallace has refused to accept any political office, but is a director in the Springfield Safe Deposit & Trust Company, and in the Springfield Electric Light Com- pany. He is a member of the prudential committee of the First Congregational church of Springfield, director in the Young Men's Christian Association, and is a very public-spirited man. Mr. Wallace was first married in Glas- gow, in 1S67, to Janet Miller, who died, leaving one son, Robert. In 1883 he was again married, in Springfield, to Madora, daughter of Dr. Henry R. and Sarah (Lewis) Vaille. They have three children: Andrew B., Douglas V., ami Madora Wal- lace. A man of decided business ability and unquestioned integrity and energy, his success has been honestly earned and well deserved. WALLACE, RODNEY, son of David and Roxanna (Cowing) Wallace, was born at New [pswich, Hillsborough county, N. H., December zi, 1823. Necessity compelled him to earn his own living at a very early age. but he succeeded in the meantime, by attending school in the winter, in obtaining a good education. When he was thirty years of age he became a resident of Fitchburg, and began as a wholesale dealer in books, stationery, and paper stock, in the well-known firm of Shepley & Wallace. After twelve years he retired from this firm, and has since been successfully engaged in the manu- facture of paper. For many years he has been a director in the Fitchburg National Lank, the Fitch- burg Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and the Fitchburg Railroad Company. Since 1864 Mr. Wallace has held the position of president and director of the Fitchburg Gas Light Company, and is a trustee of the Fitchburg Savings Bank, and a member of the board of trustees of the Smith Col- lege at Northampton. He was for four years the president of the Fitchburg board of trade. On the 1st of December, 1S53, Mr. Wal- lace was married to Sophia, daughter of Thomas and Sophia (Shurtleff) Ingalls of Rindge, N. H. Their children were : Her- bert I. and George R. Wallace. Mr. Wal- lace married for his second wife Sophia F., daughter of Oel and Sophia (Wetherbee)