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646 WHITBECK. past grand patriarch, Grand Encampment of Massachusetts ; past chief patriarch, Newmarket Encampment, Canton New- market ; past grand of Massasoit Lodge 69 • past grand of Beatrice Lodge I >. R. 28, and a trustee of Odd Fellows' Home. He lias also been a member of Paul Revere Lodge of Masons, Satucket Royal Arch JOHN J. WHIPPLE. Chapter, Brockton Council, Royal and Se- lect Masters, Bay State Commandery K. S., Lafayette Lodge of Perfection, Giles F. Yates Council, Princes of Jerusalem ; grand warden of Grand Lodge, N. E. < >. 1'., vice warden of the Supreme Lodge, N. K. (). P., Brockton Division Uniform Rank, K. P., past chancellor commander Damocles Lodge c6, K. of P., past chief justice of the Order of the Iron Hall, representative from Massachusetts to the supreme sitting of the same order, and post warden of Mayflower Lodge 'o. 4, N. E. (). P. Colonel Whipple holds in his local com- munity a reputation as wide as it is good, and his prominence in the larger circle of political life makes him a man well and honorably known to the people of the Com- monwealth. WHITBECK, ORRIN C, son of Killian H. and Maria Whitbeck, was born on the second day of December, 1S27, at Mt. Washington, Berkshire county. His edu- WHiTCHER. cation was received in the public schools of his native town, where he has always resided, and besides many public and pri- vate duties, he has followed the vocation of a practical farmer and surveyor, con- ducting the "summit farm," the family homestead, which he purchased in 1850. During his active career, Mr. Whitbeck has held all of the town offices. For twelve years he was town clerk, has been a justice of the peace for twenty-five years, and is chairman of the school committee. He represented his district in the Legis- lature in [882, serving on the committeeon agriculture, and is at present postmaster of the town. During 1883 and '84 he was en- gaged with l'rof. H. F. Walling in the United States geological survey in south- ern Rerkshire. ORRIN C. WHITBECK. On the 8th of June, 1849, Mr. Whitbeck was married in Albany, N. '., to Nam M., daughter of Horace and Electa Kline. Their live children are: George S., Mis, 1. R. Schutt, Mrs. Ira O. Lamson, Angle B., and Arthur B. Whitbeck. WHITCHER, Bradley Child, the son of Miranda and Rosanna (Child) Whitcher, was born in Bath, Grafton county, N. H., September 5, 1834. His early education was received in the public schools of his native town. He was