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662 WILSON. WINSHIP. nary, under the will of S. Williston ; a mem- ber of the prudential committee of Amherst College ; a member of the trust funds com- mittee for the city of Northampton ; a member of the public library committee, and president of the sewer commission. Mr. Williston is a deacon of the First Congregational church, Northampton, and a corporate member of the A. B. C. F. M. He has also been president and treasurer of various benevolent and mercantile or- ganizations at sundry times. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Willis- ton was Rev. Payson Williston, the first minister of Easthampton, and for more than fifty years its active pastor. Mr. Williston was married June 12, i86r, to Sarah Tappan, daughter of Professor Solomon and Frances E. (Greenwood) Stoddard. Of this union were six chil- dren : May, John Payson, Lucy, Robert Lyman. Elizabeth, and I Liny Stoddard Williston. WILSON, JOSLPH W., son of Joseph and Mary Ann (Clark) Wilson, was born in Wells, York county, Maine, August 26, [831. lie was educated in public and private schools, Union Academy, Kennebunk, Me., ami ihe Biddeford high school. In fuly, [847, he went to work to learn the machinist's trade in Biddeford. Hav- ing removed to Easthampton, he engaged with Samuel Williston & Co. in [852, changed to the Nashawannuck Manufac- turing Company in 1862, ami to the house of Williston & Knight in 1X70, where he remained until 1NX1. He then became a partner in the merchant linn of Rust, Wil- son & Co., in which relation he .still re mains. Mr. Wilson was first married in Cum- mington, August 31, 1856, to Sophia I... daughter of Russell and Sally (Packard) Meekms. His second marriage occurred in Easthampton, January 12, 1864, with Laura, (laughter of Daniel and Julia (Lar- sons) Rust. The children hv his first mar- riage were: Mary A. and S. Elizabeth Wilson ; by Ihe second marriage : Carrie A. and Rollin C. Wilson. Mr. Wilson is a deacon of the l'.ivson Congregational church, and superintend- ent of the Sabbath-school; has been se- lectman five years ; assessor three years ; is town treasurer (elected in 18SS), and has been town clerk since 18S2 ; he has also been a justice of the peace since the same year. He is a prominent Mason, and has held various offices in masonic bodies. WINSHIP, Albert Edward, son of Isaac and Drusilla A. (Lothrop) Winship, was born in West Bridgewater, Plymouth county, February 24, 1845. He received his education at the Provi- dence Conference Seminary, the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Bridgewater state normal school, and at the Andover Theo- logical Seminary. He enlisted in the 60th Massachusetts volunteers in the year 1864. In 1865 he taught school in Maine, and from 1865 to '68 was principal of a grammar school at Newton. From 1869 to '72 he taught in ALBERT E WINSHIP. the Bridgewater state normal school, after which, for nine years, he was pas- tor of the Prospect Hill Congregational church of Somerville (where he now re- sides), and for three years was secretary of the New West Education Commis- sion. Lor the past four years Mr. Winship has occupied an influential position in the realm of literature as editor of the "Journal of Education." He is president of the New England Publishing Company of Boston. He is the author of " Methods and Prin- ciples," "Essentials of Psychology," "The Shop," etc., and is a well-known and popu- lar lecturer upon educational and philo- sophic themes and travels.