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IUCELOW. BILL. 55 adopted by the medical profession and by various leading hospitals ; among; which are a lithotrite and evacuator, an operating chair and an autopsy table. The following are among the best known of Dr. Bigelow's publications, and mostly relate to novelties : — " Manual of Orthope- dic Surgery " (1845) ; " Fragments of Med- ical Science and Art" (1846); "Insensi- bility during Surgical Operations pro- duced by Inhalation " (Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 1S46) ; "On a New Physical Sign, a Clicking in the Throat " (Ibid. 1847); " Anaesthetic Agents, their modes of Exhibition and Physiological Effects" (Trans. Am. Med. Ass., 1S48); " Etherization. A Compendium of its History, Surgical Use, Dangers and Dis- covery " (r84S) ; "On the Employment of a New Agent in the Treatment of Stricture of the Urethra" (B. M. & S. J., 1849); "Dr. Harlow's Case of Crowbar Injury to the Head" (Phila. Med. Jour., HENRY J. BIGELOW. 1S50) ; " Rhigolene, a Petroleum Naph- tha for producing Anaesthesia by Freez- ing " (B. M. & S. J., 1866) ; " New and Successful Operation for Un-united Fractures, with Cases" (Ibid. 1867) ; "Ni- trous Oxide Gas for Surgical Purposes in 1848" (Ibid. 1868) ; Fracture and Dis- location of the Hip" (Boston, 1S69) ; " Medical Education in America. Address before Massachusetts Medical Society " (1871) ; "Death by Chloroform and Al- leged Death by Ether" (B. M. & S. J., 1S72) ; "Alleged Death from Ether ; Let- ter to Editor British Medical Journal " (Ibid. 1S73) ; " Turbinated Corpora Caver- nosa " (Ibid. 1875); "The True Neck of the Femur ; its Structure and Pathology " (Ibid. 1S75) ; "Centennial Article on the Discovery of Anaesthesia, in ' A Century of American Medicine,'" (Phila. 1876) ; " New Methods and Treatment of Ex- trophy of the Bladder and Erectile Tu- mors " (B. M. & S. J., 1S76) ; "Lithola- paxy" (Boston, 1878); " Litholapaxy ; an Improved Evacuator" (B. M. & S. J., 1880) ; "The Code of Ethics adopted by the Massachusetts Medical Society ; A Minority Report" (Ibid. 1880) ; "A Sim- plified Evacuator for Litholapaxy" (Ibid. 18S3) ; "A Radical Cure for Umbilical Hernia" (Ibid. 1889); "Fees in Hospitals" (Ibid. 1889) ; "An Old Portrait of a Sur- geon" (Ibid. 1SS9). BILL, LEDYARD, son of Gurdon and Lucy (Yerrington) Bill, was born in Led- yard, New London county, Conn., May 14, 1836. He obtained a common school and aca- demic training. At the age of sixteen he traveled in Canada and the United States, selling books ; located in the book-pub- lishing business in Louisville, Ky., in 1857 ; on the breaking out of the civil war his business was destroyed and he went to Cleveland, Ohio ; thence to New York, where he remained until 1872, engaged in publishing. On June 12, 1872, he married, in Brook- lyn, N. Y., Sophie, daughter of Ralph and Adaline E. (Bigelow) Earle. They have three children : Frederick L., Bertha E., and Lucy S. Bill. Mr. Bill settled in Paxton in 1874, where he has since resided. Town business employs such of his time as is not given to leisure or authorship. He has written several works, the latest being a history of Paxton. In 1S64 Mr. Bill was commissioned lieutenant in the Howitzer battery of the nth brigade of the National Guard, New York. He was commissioner to the World's Fair, Hamburg, 1862 ; ten years on the local school board of Pax- ton, and ten years chairman of the board of selectmen ; and has also served as one of the overseers of the poor. At the last election he declined further town office.