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ROSTER OF THE COMMONWEALTH. 699 Colonel, Lt.-Col., Majors, . Captains, Colonel, Lt.-Col., Majors, . Captains, 1st Regiment Infantry Tiros. R. Mathews, Jas. F. Jackson, . Chas. L. Hovev, . Fred. G. King, Wm. W. Kellett, F. H. Briggs, . . 1'. W. Dallinger, P. A. Dyar, . . . J. H. Frothingham, R. H. Morgan, N. O. Danforth, . R. P. B. Bell, . . H. W. Atkins, C Williamson, . YV. H. Ames, . . E. G. TUTEIN, . . S. L. Braley, . . 2d Regiment Infantry. Embury P. Clark. F. W. Merriam, . E. R. Shumway, . P. S. Bridges, . . 1". G. Southmayd, . W. A. Condy, . . H. McDonald, C. W. Brown, . . T. E. Leavitt, S. T. Chamberlain, J. J. Leonard, . . E. M. Roche, . . R. V.'. Irwin, . . E. G. Thayer, F. G. Fessenden, R. A. Whipple, 6th Regiment Infantry Henry G. Greene, Henry Parsons, . C. F. Woodward, Thos. H. Shea, G. H. Chaffin, . G. H. Taylor, W. F. Page, . . O. M. Pratt, . . P. F. King, . . . A. S. FULLFORD, . T. E. Jackson, C. H. Richardson, S. A. Lawrence, . F. E. Cutter, . . C. F. Hill, . . . G. W. Brady, . . J. T. Berrill, . . SECOND BRIGADE. Brig. -Gen. Com- manding, Benj. F. Peach, Jr., Lt.-Col.andAsst. Adj.-Gen., . Chas. C. Fry, . . Lt.-Col.andMed. Director, . Thos. Kittredge, Maj. and Asst. Ins.-Gen., . Jos. A. Ingalls, . Maj. and Asst. Ins.-Gen. Rifle Practice, . Jas. P. Frost, . . Capt. and Brig. Q. M., . . H. E. Converse, Colonel, Lt.-Col., Majors, . Captains, Boston. Fall River. . Boston. . Boston. . Boston. Boston . Cambridge. . Boston. Boston. N. Bedford. Taunton. . Boston. . Chelsea. Brockton. No. Easton. . Boston. Fall River. . . Holyoke. No. Adams. . Worcester. So. Deerfield. . Springfield. Worcester. . Springfield. . Holyoke. . . Orange. . . Gardner. . Springfield. So. Deerfield. Northampton. Amherst. . Greenfield. . Adams. Fitchburg. Marlborough. Wakefield. Fitchburg. Southbridge. Wakefield. Fitchburg. . Lowell. Fitchburg. Ashburnham. Marlborough. . Lowell. Stoneham. . Concord. Southbridge. Boston. Milford. . Lynn. . Lynn. Salem. Boston. Capt. and Engi- neer, . . . W. T. Lambert, Capt. and Judge Advocate, . ELIJAH GEORGE, Capt. and Pro. Marshal, . A. A. Hall, 1st Lt. and Sig- nal Officer, . C. M. Haley, . 2d Lt. and Am- bula'ceOfficer, A. W. Clarke, N. A. Thompson, Aides-de-Camp Colonel, Lt.-Col., Majors, Captains, Colonel, Lt.-Col., Majors, . Captains, Boston. Maiden. Colonel, Lt.-Col., Majors, . Captains, ! Geo. A. Keeler, jth Regiment Infantry Wm. A. Bancri if 1 ', . G. F. Frost, . J. H. Whitney, G. H. Benyon, W. H. Oakes, . . Chas. French, S. T. Sinclair, G. C. Applin, . H. Morrissey, . T. C. Henders >n G. H. Dickson, W. C. Parker, W. L. Fox, . . W. H. Goff, . W. E. Morrison, G. W. Swazev, A. M. Mossman, 8th Regiment Infantry Francis A. Osgood, J. A. Mills, . . G. A. Coi'Et.AND. C. L. Dodge, . W. M. Ward, . . A. G. Reynolds, E. W. M. Bailey, W. B. Potter, . F. Murray, . . W. E. Perry, . B. II. Jellison, Wm. A. Pew, Jr., H. F. Staples, . E. T. Brackett, W. H. Dunney, A. Reeves, . . S. T. Kirk, . . qth Regiment Infantry. Wm. Strachan, . . Boston. L. J. Logan, . . . Boston. P. J. Grady, . . . Boston. F. P. Bogan, . . . . Boston. W. H. Donovan, . . Lawrence. D. J. Keeie, . . . . Boston. G. F. H. Murray, . . Boston. T. F. O'Day, . . . Boston. E. Egan Boston. J. G. Fennessey, . . . Boston. E. F. O'Sulliv , . Lawrence. Wm. Regan, . . . Worcester. G. J. Lovett, . . . . Boston. C. E. O'Donnell, . . Boston. C. E. Shaw, .... . Clinton. D. W. Ricker, . . Natick. Chas. Conners, . . Lowell. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Salem. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Waltham. . Med ford. Watertown. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. . Newton. Plymouth. Med ford. Waltham. . Woburn. Arlington. Attleborough. Braintree. Maiden. Hudson. Marblehead. Newburyport. Revere. . . Beverly. . . Peabody. Newburyport. . Amesbury. Marblehead. . . . Lynn. . Beverly. Haverhill. . Gloucester. . . Salem. . . . Lynn. . Peabody. No. Andover. . Somerville.