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Table 1. Converting between feet and inches.

Feet Inches
5.00 60
6.25 75
5.50 66
5.75 69

Some conversions require that you multiply by a number and then add a second number. A good example of this is the transformation between degrees Centigrade and degrees Fahrenheit. Table 2 shows the temperatures of 5 US cities in the early afternoon of November 16, 2002.

Table 2. Temperatures in 5 cities on 11/16/2002.

City Degrees Fahrenheit Degrees Centigrade
Houston 54 12.22
Chicago 37 2.78
Minneapolis 31 -0.56
Miami 78 25.56
Phoenix 70 21.11

The formula to transform Centigrade to Fahrenheit is:

The formula for converting from Fahrenheit to Centigrade is

The transformation consists of multiplying by a constant and then adding a second constant. For the conversion from Centigrade to Fahrenheit, the first constant is 1.8 and the second is 32.

Figure 1 shows a plot of degrees Centigrade as a function of degrees

Fahrenheit. Notice that the points form a straight line. This will always be the case if the transformation from one scale to another consists of multiplying by one constant and then adding a second constant. Such transformations are therefore called linear transformations.