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cational work necessary for the formation of Industrial Unions.

As soon as there are twenty members in a Recruiting Union who are employed in the same industry, they will be chartered as an Industrial Union of that industry.

The methods used in getting a Union started depends upon the circumstances in the locality where the Union is to be formed. You can call a meeting, advertising the same. If there are any among you who are able to explain the principles of the I. W. W., have them do so to those who attend the meeting.

After the explanation has been made, you can call upon all those present, who are in accord with the principles of the Organization, to come forward and sign the Charter Application. Or you can circulate the Charter Application among those with whom you come in contact, and explain the principles of the Industrial Workers of the World to them individually. If they desire to organize, have them sign their names and addresses on the Charter Application.

When you have twenty names, or more, you can notify them to attend the meeting, form a temporary organization by electing a temporary Secretary and Chairman. Collect the Charter fee from those who sign the Application, forward the same to this office, with the Application. The Charter and supplies will be sent to you at once.

In forwarding the Charter Application be sure to specify in what industry those who sign the Blank are employed, so we will know how to make out the Charter.

Trusting that the above will be of assistance to you in organizing your fellow workers, I am

Yours for Industrial Freedom,

General Secretary-Treasurer.

Industrial Workers of the World,
1001 West Madison Street,
Chicago, Illinois.