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y2 =(e2−1) {(xae)2a2}
=(e2−1) {x2−2aex+(e2−1)a2},

which agrees with that above, if


mn/m2−1= ae; a=n/m2−1,
n2/m2−1= (e2−1)a2, or a2=n2/(m2−1)2, as before.

If m be less than unity, the integrated equation becomes


which agrees with the equation to the ellipse,

y2 =(1−e2) {a2−(xae)2},
or y2 =(1−e2) {(1−e2)a2+2aexx2}.

The general equation integrated gives


that is, x2+y2+m(cx)2+y2=n.

The curve to which this belongs is a certain oval, which Descartes has described.

105. Newton's second proposition is:

To find the form of a convex lens, that shall refract light accurately from one point to another.

He supposes the first surface given, and determines the second thus, (Fig. 102.)

Let A be the focus of incident, B of refracted rays; ADFB the course of a ray; CP, ER, circular arcs with centers A, B; CQ, ES, orthogonal trajectories to DF.

Let AB, AD, DF, be produced so that BG=(m−1)CE, AH=AG; DK=1/mDH. Join KB, and let a circle with centre D, and radius DH cut it in L. Draw BF parallel to DL. In the first place PD=m·DQ; FR=Fn·FS. For let AD, AE