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Let also represent the angle at

The reader will find no difficulty in following these equations,



If now be any multiple of as we shall have somewhere that is, some reflected ray will be perpendicular to one of the mirrors, and these of course will end the series of reflexions.

If be not a multiple of some value of will make greater than and then will become negative. The geometrical fact indicated by this is that the broken line will at length be turned back upon itself, and the light after coming down the angle will go up again.

Let be the intersection of and

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and

Then it will immediately be seen that the value of the angle at is or that at is the same; that at is double of these or so that if we represent the lines by and the angles between them by &c., we shall have

(provided be an odd number.)

Let be the intersection of and TU[errata 1].


  1. Original: TV was amended to TU: detail