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100.Some writers treat of another aberration arising from that which we have been investigating: it is the distance (Fig. 97.) being the ultimate focal distance and perpendicular to

This distance is called the lateral aberration, the longitudinal,


Since varies as the square of it appears that varies as its cube.

101.It is important, particularly when a lens is used as a burning-glass to determine whereabouts all the refracted rays are collected within the least space, that is, technically speaking, to find the least circle of aberration or diffusion.

Let (Fig. 98.) be the extreme refracted ray on one side: sv[errata 1] a ray on the other side intersecting with this in perpendicular to the axis. Now it is plain that at the maximum state of , if it has one, all the refracted rays on the same same side with will pass through it, and passing from the section to the actual lens, the circle having for its radius will just contain all the rays, so that it will be the circle we seek.

In order to find we must know the extreme aberration let this be called

Let AR =K which must be measured,
Ar =k (unknown, or variable,)
Tm =x,
AT =T, Av=t.

Since the aberration (longitudinal) varies as the square of the radius of the aperture,

and they are at a maximum together.


  1. Original: Sv was amended to sv: detail