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§ 4. ( Vocative Singiilar ani Pliiral.)

Inter ferias te, ora maritima, et vos, undae caeruleae, saepe spccto.

Vos, undae caeruleae, Britannia amat.

Te, regina mea, amo ; te, patria mea, amo.

Vos, incolae Africae Meridianae, regina insularum Eriiannic- arum amat.

I love thee, [0] Queen Victoria,

Victoria is queen not only of ihe British islands, but also of Canada, of Australia, of Soulh Africa,

I love thee, [0] South Africa; for (§2) South Africa is my native-land.

I love yoii, [0] inhabitants of Britain ; for Souih Africa is a British colony.

Great is the glory of the British colonies.

§5. {Daiive Sifigular.)

Silva Lydiae laetitiam dat.

Columbae Lydiae laetitiam dant.

Lingua Francogallica Lydiae laetitiam non dat.

Tu, Lydia, inter ferias magistrae tuae operam non dis.

Ego inter ferias linguae Latinae operam non do.

India gives delight to the Quecn ^ of the British isles.

But India is not a British colony.

The British colonies also give delight to the British Qucen.

Canada gives dehght to Britain.

For Canada is a great British colony.

'Order ok Words, Rule 4. — Pnt the Dative before the Accusative. (Nole ihat ihe gift stands in the Accusative, and the person to whom the gift i» itiade in the Datlve. )