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river where there was a great contest of the Britons against the Romans? There-are many rivers in South Britain. Caesar does not raention^ the name of the river. A Roman had three^ names. The first names of Caesar were Gaius and Juhus. The chief (§12) name of a Roman was the second name.

§ 3 1. {Same Nouns coniinued.)

{A.) There were many contests of the Britons with the Romans. In some of the contests the Britons carried off the victory. But they were not able to stand (§ 11) against the weight and strength of the Roman legions. The bodies of tne Britons were big and strong, and the Roraans were mcn of small i;odies.^ But Caesar's legions were skilled (§15) in* war. Accordirigly they mostly (§13) carried off the victory without many wounds.

{B.) Before the time of C. Juhus Caesfir Roman vessels had never (§25) sailed to our island, unless (§25) for the sake of commerce (§19). After the time of C. JuHus Caesar another (§24) Caesar, by name Claudius, got-logether (§ 28) an expedition against Britain. In the times' of Nero^ Agricola defeated (§ 24) ihe Britons and Caledonians. C. Julius Caesar was the first but not the chief (§ 12) conqueror of the Britons.

' Use commemoro, ' I mention,' from which comes the Adjective comviemor- atns, a, um 'mentioned' (§ 14).

^The Neuter of ircs (§ 27) is /r/a.

'For 'men' use homo ; and for 'of small bodies' say ' wilh small bodies,' as in the last line of § 30 of the story.

^What Case does the Adjective meaning 'skilled' take in Latin? See rnparations § 15 (p. 73).

  • No Preposition in Latin; for 'in the times' denotes time when; cf. p. 69.

' A^ero (stem Neron-) was one of the early Caesars or Emperors of Rome, belonging to the Julian family.