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On a Roinan ship of-war there-were somelimes high turrets, as (§ i8) on ships of-the-present-day (§i8). From the high turrets the soldiers used to drive-off (§ 25) the enemy with spears (§18). An ancient ship of-war had sails and oars. An ancient ship of-war was not armed with iron plates. An ancient ship of-war was not so large as a ship of-war of-the-present-day.

§34. {jfd Dechnsion. — Feminines and Afasciilines whose siems end ifi iwo consonanis.)

(A.) Cassivellaunus was king of a small part of South Britain What^ was the name of the race? In ancient times^ there-were many races and many kings in Britain. Many^ of the races were barbarous. But the races of the Southern (use meridianus, a, um) parts were not barbarous. Before the times of Caesar Cassi- vellaunus had fought against the-other (§ 19) races of South Britain. The name of the king of the Trinobantes was Imanuentius.

(B.) The boundaries of many British races are not known (§ 16) to us. The names of the British kings are mostly (§13) not mentioned (§14) in the book of Caesar. Britain was not a part of the Roman empire* after the victory of Caesar. After the time of Claudius, the fourth (§29) Caesar, ^ Britain was under the command^ of the Caesars. The name of the family {u^e ^ens) of C. JuHus Caesar was the Julian family. The Romans used-to- name the Caesars " Princes " and " Generals."

^See Ex. §30, note 5 (p. 129).

^See Ex. §31, note 5 (p. 130).

'What Gender? ' Maiiy of the races' means ' many rac^s of the races.' For ' of ' use ex.

  • Use impcnmn.

'In what case must ' the fourth Caesar' be ? Tliink of the meaning (ajicr the tixi ef the fourth Caesar).