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angulus angle, corner
ulmī elms
in ulmīs in the elms
corvī crows
nīdificant make nests
corvōs spectō I watch the crows
libenter gladly
circum nīdōs suōs round their nests
volitant they fly
corvōrum of crows
multī mergī many sea-gulls
super ōceanum over the ocean
mergī o sea-gulls
volitātis you fly
praeda prey
captātis you catch
ōceanus the ocean
mergīs to sea-gulls
cibum dat gives food
agellus suus his estate
equī horses
vacca cow
porcī pigs [pork]
galli gallinae-que cocks and hens
gallōs cūrat minds the cocks
vīcus a village
rusticī the country-folk, the rustics
nōnnullī ex rusticīs some of (out of) the rustics
cum equīs with (together with) the horses.


Note in the above:1. corvī nīdificant, crows make nests. 2. vōs, corvi, you, o crows. 3. corvōs spectō, I watch crows. 4. numerus corvōrum, a number of crows. 5. corvīs dat, gives to crows. 6. cum corvīs, with crows.

1 hortus bellus hortī bellī
2 horte belle hortī bellī
3 hortum bellum hortōs bellōs
4 hortī bellī hortōrum bellōrum
5 hortō bellō (with a verb of ‘giving’) hortīs bellīs (with a verb of ‘giving’)
6 in hortō bellō in hortīs bellīs