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Second Declension-continued.
Nouns and Adjectives like ‘magister.’
1 magister, a master magistrī, masters
2 magister, o master magistrī, o masters
3 magistrum, a master magistrōs, masters
4 magistrī, a master’s magistrōrum, masters’
5 magistrō, to a master magistrīs, to masters
6 cum magistrō, with a master cum magistrīs, with masters

Most nouns and adjectives of the 2nd Declension in er are declined like ‘magister’: liber, book; Alexander, Alexander; noster, our; piger, lazy; crēber, crowded; and many others.

These words differ from ‘puer’ only in dropping the e in all the Cases except the Nominative and the Vocative.

Uses of the Forms of Adjectives.

It will have been seen that the form of the adjective depends on the form of the noun to which it belongs. Thus we have had:

magnus numerus, §7 magna audācia, §2 magnum castellum, §10
scopulus albus, §8 casa alba, §3 vēlum album, §11
nummus antīquus, §9 specula antīqua, §10 oppidum antīquum, §9
patruus meus, §6 amita mea, §1
vir doctus, §15
liber Latīnus, §15
ventus asper, §13 fortūna aspera, §14

It is clear, then, that there are many more forms of the