Page:Oration Delivered on the Centennial Day of Washington's Initiation into Masonry (1852).djvu/21

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Centennial Oration.


Walk the Square by Wisdom guided,
By the Plumb-line act complete,
And, like brothers, undivided
Ever on the Level meet.
We Washington, we Washington,
Father of our Country greet.


By the Compass circumscribing,
Passion’s wild unruly sway;
From the Book of books imbibing,
Knowledge of Eternal day;
Where victorious, where victorious,
Our great Captain led the way.


In the Temple of our Master,
Let us all unite in praise:
Time is running fast and faster,
Few are but the days of grace.
Sing with shouting, sing with shouting,
To our brother anthems raise.


When the Craftsmen shall assemble,
And the Judge pronounce “well done!”
While the worthless shake and tremble,
Fearful from their shadows run;
Freedom’s champion, Freedom’s champion,
Crowned with Glory Washington.


On the Pillars of Creation,
Wisdom, Beauly, Strength, was reared
The vast temple of our nation,
When its Noblest Son appeared,
Hail Columbia! Hail Columbia!
To thy children’s love endeared.

7th. — Benediction by the Chaplain.

The Brethren then marched to the Apollo Saloon, and with a number of Ladies, partook of a sumptuous dinner, prepared by Bro. Martin Hefferlin.