Page:Oration Delivered on the Centennial Day of Washington's Initiation into Masonry (1852).djvu/24

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Centennial Oration.

Robert Burns.— Scotia’s noblest son. The Poet of the people, and for the people. The man whose wealth was his heart, whose charity was a tear for the failings of his fellow-man. The Mason whose brotherly Jove was sincere. The friend of the poor and the admirer of the ladies.

Missouri.—Young Miss, sprightly, virtuous, wealthy and beautiful as an houri (ouri,) the central Rose in the garland of States, may she ever be the pride and envy of her sisters.

The Ladies.—They are Masons by nature.—Love is the Instrument they work with; and charity is the keystone of the arch of their life.

The Orator of the Day.—Distinguished for his talents, the example of Christain virtue, a beacon light of Masonic knowledge, a teacher of moderation, may he live a long and prosperous life and remain the ornament of his age.

After which Weston Lodge 53, held a called meeting in their Hall, the M. W. G. M. presiding, when it was, on motion, resolved, unanimously: That a Committee of three be appointed to request our Bro. Rev. L. Kerr, to furnish a copy of his excellent and most admirable Oration, this day, so eloquently delivered, and Bro’s. James Millar, L. D. Bird and G. W. Belt, were appointed said Committee. It was, also,

Resolved, That the thanks of this Lodge be presented to the Rev. Fredrick Starr and Bro. Harriett, and through them, to the members of the Choir, for the excellent manner, the original Ode, written expressly for the occasion, by Bro. A. Featherman, was sung by them.

At a subsequent meeting of Weston Lodge, 53, the before named Committee reported, having personally waited upon Bro. Rev. L. Kerr, who courteously surrendered them a copy for publication. Whereupon it was

Resolved, That the said Committee have one thousand copies printed in pamphlet form, including also the original Ode, by Bro. A. Featherman, the regular toasts, and a brief statement of the proceedings of the day.

Com. of Arrangements. Benjamin Wood,
James Millar,
W. S. Murphy,
L. D. Bird,
J. B. Wright.