Page:Oration Delivered on the Occasion of the Dedication of the New Hall of Cooper Lodge.djvu/10

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revolutions and desolations of time. Masonry alone, of all the systems and associations on earth, is still the same. There is a vital spirit, principle and power, that survive, and preserve her where all else is change and decay. And that spirit, principle and power, are love, truth and brotherly friendship. These constitute her power and the secret of her power. She needs not the sword for herself or her cause; she asks no government for support or aid. She has no missionaries or agents to compass sea and land to make converts and proselytes—but go where you may, you will find her children holding to her ancient faith, nothing added thereto, and nothing abstracted therefrom: still the same from age to age, from land to land, from clime to clime—

And, though deep still clear—
Though gentle, yet not dull;
Strong without rage;
Without o’erflowing full.
Lives through all time;
Extends to all extent;
Spreads undivided,
Operates unspent.”

This is the spirit and character of Masonry. Deep her sublimity and beauty; she is but clear to all who seek her in her halls. Gentle too she is as the dove, or the lamb; yet no dullness about her. And strong she is in her charity, meekness, kindness and patience, that never fail; that never grow weary in well doing—like her author and architect in Heaven.

“Strong without rage,
Without o’erflowing full.”

In her there is no violence—no fanaticism—no bigotry—no treason or rebellion against law and government. But strong in reference to order, peace and law, both human and divine. She never sends, and has never sent, any to the stake, the dungeon or the halter, for differing from, or opposing her. Again, it is true of her—that without overflowing—still full; fall of charity, kindness and goodness; and these she exercises without ostentation and show. She uses not the trumpet of the ancient Pharisees,