Page:Oration Delivered on the Occasion of the Dedication of the New Hall of Cooper Lodge.djvu/17

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their heroism and chivalry, and their generous self-sacrificing conduct. What time, when with the crusaders, they marched to Palestine, to redeem the ancient home of Masonry and christianity; when the proud, insolent and taunting crescent of the false prophet, paled and sunk beneath the milder and brighter splendor of the Cross. And what time the swords of the Knight Templars, in avenging wrath, smote through turban, bone and brain of the brutal Turks; and rescued Europe and the christian world from Mohammedan barbarity, violation and slavery. And it is for the defence, protection and support of all who need these things, that our order of Knighthood is still maintained, and to which our vows and obligations bind us. And while we do this, you, ladies, in your sphere, can do much to aid, cheer and encourage us in this good work. Your office and mission in this world are the same as ours: not in the same way, nor by the same instruments and arms; but by the same great principles of heavenly charity, kindness and goodness. By these woman holds her power and empire over the minds and hearts of men, and over the destinies of the world, a power and dominion that kings and emperors may envy, but cannot obtain. And why is this so? It is because, that in your sex there are more of these principles, we have this day dwelt so much upon, than there are in ours. Your Creator has given you this high and glorious privilege, and given this to you, when He created you a “help meet” to man. The true meaning of the original, is a guide, a counsellor to man, that is, by her love and devotion, her gentleness and virtue, she should cheer, guide and counsel him. But when woman forsakes and forgets these; when in her ambition for a higher position, she looks upon this station, and these qualities and duties, as unworthy her, and her “strong mind”, then she loses all that power and influence that charm and captivate heart, mind and soul; that rainbow of heavenly purity and divinity that like an arch of faith, hope and love enshrines every good and lovely woman. She ceases to be an object of adoration and love, she ceases to be a help meet, a guide and counselor to man; she becomes a