Page:Oregon, her history, her great men, her literature.djvu/149

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ing for water, they accidentally found placer gold in what was afterwards named Rich Gulch. Also they prospected in Jackson Creek, where they saw the glittering metal on all sides. Realizing they had made a rich discovery, they at once located the town of Jacksonville, and became wealthy and influential citizens. News of the gold discovery at Jacksonville rapidly spread, and miners came in vast numbers from all directions; so that within fifteen years after the Jacksonville event nearly all the placer gold mines of Oregon were discovered.

First Postoffice West of the Rocky Mountains.

John M. Shively, having been appointed postmaster for Astoria, Oregon, March 9, 1847, soon afterward opened the postoffice of Astoria in the accompanying building, which had been occupied as a residence by Ezra Fisher, a missionary. This bears the distinction of being the first postoffice west of the Rocky Mountains.
