Page:Oregon, her history, her great men, her literature.djvu/334

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annual tax providing for the survey and grading of such a road. But the intention was to construct it along the tracks of the O. W. R. & N. Railroad Company, which organization had secured an injunction against such a step. It was at this stage of the proceedings that Samuel Hill, of Maryhill, Washington, a noted good roads enthlisiast, had a vision of a popular scenic highway that would capitalize the unequaled beauty of the Columbia Gorge "Where Rolls the Oregon." He presented the matter to the court of Multnomah County with the result that the route was changed, the injunction suit was withdrawn, and within two years a highway was constructed and covered with a hard surface. PILLARS CF HERCULES The Columbia Highway which extends from the Pacific Ocean to Umatilla is 290 miles in length. The highest point is 23 miles from Portland and its elevation is 725 feet above the Columbia River. It is called Crown Point. Here the Vista House, an imposing architectural monument, has been erected at a cost of $90,000. The grade of the highway nowhere exceeds five per cent and no curve has a radius shorter than 1 00 feet. All the bridges—and there are scores of them—are made of re-enforced concrete and have a minimum width of twenty-four feet. Upon passing over the Columbia River Highway, Major General George W. Goethals, builder of the Panama Canal said, "The Columbia River Highway is a splendid job of engi-