111. HISl ORY OF OREGON Hangman's tree, 179.
Hawthorne, B. J., IM. 2M.
Hayes, Pres., visits Oregon, 22!L
Hayes-Tilden Conte.st, 21L
Heceta Head. 2fi.
Hen C521, ailL
Hermann, Dinger, V.i^.
Hieroglyphics near Arlington, 234: in Cascadia Cave, 23^
Higginson, Mrs. Ella, 355.
Hill, David. JiS.
Hill, James J., 2M.
Hillman, John W., discovers Cra- ter Lake, 2Ifi.
Hillocks of snakes, IM,
Hogg, T. Egenton, 2AL
Holladay, Ben., IM.
Holman, Alfred, aifi.
Honor system for convicts, 2M.
Hoover, Herbert, 225^
Hostility to negroes. 190.
Household Economy, chair of, established.
Howard, Gen. O. O., 213.
Hoyt, Dr. Francis S., 8£.
Hudson's Bay Company, 61j chief interest in Oregon, 62: convey Rev. Blanchet and Rev. Demers to Oregon Country, Ifl^
"Hutchins Goose," 380.
Idaho Territory organized, 152.
Improved Poultry Industry, 213.
Initiative and Referendum, 270.
Indians, their struggle for exist- ence, 43; their folk-lore, 48; their Book of Genesis, 48; fairs, 65; wars, causes of, 116. 135: War Veterans, 281: skele- tons and relics,
"In the Emerald Land," m.
Interstate Wagon Bridge, 334.
Irvine. Rev. Samuel 0., 157.
Irrigation law passed, 255 : activ- ities in Oregon, 311.
"Is it Worth While?" 3&&.
Jackson, President, sends com- missioners to Oregon, 147.
Jacksonville. 147.
Jefferson's estimate of Lewis and Clark Expedition, ifi.
"Jennie Clark," IM-
Joaquin Miller, IL SSL
Joaquin Miller's Chapel, ZQiL
Johnson, John W., 240.
Juan Perez sails to San Mar- garita, 2fi.
Kam, Jacob, 133.
Kelley, Hall J., Ifij advocates occupation of Oregon, 59j ar- rives in Oregon, 60j returns to Massachusetts, fifi.
Kendall, Thomas S., D.D., 151.
"Kwanchai," 2m.
Labor laws governing minors,
LaCreole Academic Institute, 165, 212.
I^ack of postal facilities in early
times, lafi. Lady Mr Duff, m Lafayette Seminary, 25IL Lake Ewauna, 195. Lake once a mountain, 21L "Land of the Big Red Apples,"
Lane, Gov., 123^ 12iL
"Lausanne," IL
Law and order league, 179.
Ledyard publishes first account of Cook's voyage, 22.
Lee. Rev. Daniel, 63.
Lee, Rev. Jason, 69^ I&i
Legends: Birds and their Bright Colors, 52j Cascades, 48; Coyote on the Klamath, Coyote and Three Witches, 50; Skookums, 50i Tallapus and the Cedar Tree, 51; Five Thunders, 51.
Legislative Assembly at Falls,di.
Legislature, date for convening changed. 228.
Lewis and Clark Centennial Ex- po.sition, 285.
Lewis and Clark Expedition, 38; at Council Bluffs, 40; winter at Mandan, 40; suffering, iSj Fort Clitsop, 44; salt cairn, 45: rt^tu