n," ^ INDEX
Reed College,
Reading clubs,
Regan. Chief, 2M-
"Rhododendron Bells,"
Ricarees, treaty with, i£L
Rogue River War,125j heroine of, 142: first treaty with, 136: last battle with, 143 ; second treaty with, liii third outbreak, 112.
Root, Elihu, donates cannon for 2nd Oreg. Regiment medals, 270.
Roosevelt, President, lays corner stone L. & IL Exposition, 2afi. Sfeicajawea. 40^ 41j 42. "Sailor Diggin's," ISL Salem, first mansion in, Salmon industry, 184. 1 85 , Salem becomes permanent capi- tal, m.
Salem Indian Training School, 211.
Salmon Seal, ^ San Diego discovered, 2L Sandwich Islands discovered, 2fi. Sand pinnacles, 2Ifi. Santiam Academy, Sfi, School, first in Northwest, fil. School land, thirty-sixth section, 121.
Scott, Bishop T. F., 115.
Scott, Harvey W., 212.
Seal of Provisional Government,
Second Oregon, organization of 268: return of, 2fi9.
Senators from Oregon, 340.
Shepard, Cyrus, fiS.
Sheridan Academy, Sfi^
Ship building in Oregon, 221.
Simpson, Bishop Matthew, SiL
Simpson, Sam. L., 342
Slacum creates interest in Ore- gon. 7L Z&x
Smoke Stacks on Columbia, li.
Snyke River canyon, 221.
Snell. Dr. Margaret, 251.
"Snowdrift," 215.
Social Hygiene Society, 22S. Soldier's Home, 255. "Sonora." 2fi.
Southern Oregon emigrant road.
opened, 107; railitary road, 122. Spalding, Rev. H. ILi 15. "Spectator," m Spokane Mission located, Ifi. Stanley, D. T., 16L 221. Stars and Stripes over Astoria,
State Biologist, SM.
State Board of School Examiners
created, 2111. Statement No. L 282. State Library, 221L State Library seal, 221. Stage lines and pony express, 12fi State Motto, "The Union," ILL State Normal School. IfiL State School fund, and 500,000
acre land grant, l&fi. State Text Book Commission
Created. 211. Steel, Will G., Ifi. Sublette. William, fiL Sublimity Institute. Ifl2. Suffering of miners. US. Supreme Court Library, seal of,
Supreme Court, organized. 2&L Summers. Colonel, 269. Sunday. "Billy." 22^ Sunrise on the Willamette. 251. Svnchronized Chart of World. 'l«^8-
Table Rock, battle of. 122. Tallapus and the Cedar Tree. 51. Territorial seal and motto, 121. Thayer. Gov. W. W„ 22£. The Dalles Academy, 85. The Dalles Mission sold to Doc- tor Whitman. 12. "The Days of '49^: 221. Thornton, J. Quinn, 122. Three Sistei-s. 249 "To a Wave," 268. "To Juanita." 288. To-Night, 252. "Tonquin." 54.