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June, 1923

This paper, an evening daily with an A. B. C. net paid circulation for the last six months of 5806, charges 42 cents an inch on a flat rate basis for foreign advertising, which is displayed on an entirely separate rate card from that used locally. This paper has the following well balanced sliding scale for all other display than the regularly recognized foreign:

The small transient, one time advertiser pays more than twice this rate, or 75 cents. Some may think this difference is

too much but there is much to be said for it. On the other hand, the regular ad

1. General Display. (Run of paper, per column inch).

A. Transient .................................. 75 cents

B. Space rates 100 inches 50 250 inches 45 500 inches 40 1,000 inchcl 35 C. Time

rate is 12 cents (.03 per agate line) less

the usual 15 and 2, netting about 36 cents.


per inch on yearly cent: 2,500 inches cents 5,000 inchcn cents l0,000 inches cents On


Minimum Space Inches 20 10 5 Daily ._. .2T’,§ .30 E. O. D. 27% .30 52% T-W .30 .3'-_">§ .35 Weekly ................ .. .3215 .35 .3T'fi

enjoys a 25 cent rate, as does the large

contract: 30 cents '"1,'r c:e! 25 cents



2 32% .37“ .10 .45

though possible irregular advertiser who contracts to use 10,000 inches within the


1 .35 .42“ .45 17%

2. Political Adv.-cru'Jn'ng.——50 cents an inch. Culr in advance. 8. Anmsement .4ducrt|'sinq.—50 ccntl an

vertiser on a yearly contract who uses not less than a column a day through the year


I. Classified Aiivertia-ing.—Two cents a word per insertion; three insertions, 5 cents a word: one month, 20 cents a word: one year, 12 cents a word per month. Minimum, per ad, 25 cents. 5. Real E-’-te Claam'Iicd.—On yearly contracts, 20-line minimum daily, 4 cents a line. 8. Rcadern.—20 cents a line. Black headlines charged double space. "Adv." must be affixed to all reading notice advertising.

No Slide on Foreign Ads

The Capital Journal card is reprinted because of its probable interest to other publishers who may be considering the adoption of a full sliding scale. This card appears to be correct in principle It should be noted that in going from a flat rate to a sliding scale, the reductions offered to the largrest and most regular advertisers must be compensated for by higher rates charged to transients and irregular advertisers. The foreign advertiser cannot usually be handled with any convenience on a sliding scale, and it is noted that the Capital Journal flat

year. This is rather skillfully devised to encourage both large use of space and regularity. It works out this way for in stance for the user of 6,000 inches: 6,000 irregularly used, 271/; cent rate; regularly used, 25 cent rate.


It should be emphasized that publishers who fear to raise their transient rates sharply and high above the old flat rate, should be careful not to make too wide a reduction below the old flat rate to the large and regular advertiser. A larger percentage of the income comes

from the big fellows and this will not be compensated for by an equal number of

cents per inch increase for the transients. The ('apital Journal, with a basic net flat rate to foreign advertisers, and the wish to encourage its largest advertisers with a reduction of 11 cents from this basic rate, is correct in estimating that it must add about 39 cents to its rate for transients and about 14 cents for a large

hull-: of its advertising and stick to it, or the gross income will fall off Following are the tabulated replies to the questionnaire sent to the newspapers:




.15' .30

.25 .30

.25 .80

Foreign M03: Hi?! .25 .30

.25 .30

The advertiser who runs display daily gets cheaper rate—20c and 15c.

Tendencies Level