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HAL E. HOSS, President
G. LANSING HURD, Secretary

The 1925 Convention

THE Tillamook meeting went on record accepting the invitation of Grants Pass for the next year convention. There was a proviso attached to the motion at the suggestion of the president, that the meeting be held at Grants Pass only in the event the proposed Pacific Coast convention could not be arranged. A recent letter from Fred Kennedy, manager of the Washington Press Association, advises that his organization is prepared to meet in the joint convention at Portland, and definite plans for the meeting would be worked out provided some of the other states were heard from favorably.

At this time, then, we are not prepared to state whether or not the Portland meeting will come to pass, but we should look forward with a great deal of interest to the possibilities of such a meeting, with a subsequent meeting to accept the Grants Pass invitation. As soon as anything definite is learned from the various committees working on the plan, the field will be advised, through a bulletin, or through the next issue of Oregon Exchanges.

Advertising Rates

IN a bulletin issued from the president's office late in August, we called the publishers' attention to the N. E. A. rate schedule, and asked you all to get your rate. In response to the bulletin, several Oregon newspaper men wrote in and asked what the recommended rates were. Requests to the St. Paul office of the N. E. A. brought us a few copies of the advertising committee reports, and these were sent to the inquiring newspapers. However, in order that the rates might be available, we are submitting them here with, and trust that they will help put starch in some of the editorial back-bones throughout the state.

The N. E. A . schedule of rates for country Weeklies is as follows:

For 500 or less circulation 25c. :For 1000 or less circulation 30c. :For 1500 or less circulation 35c. :For 2000 or less circulation 40c. :For 2500 or less circulation 45c. :For 3000 or less circulation 48c. :For 3500 or less circulation 51c.

Campaign Advertising

SOME of you may have thought that the little paragraph stuck in the last Bulletin about this being a campaign where printer's ink would be used was a shot in the dark, but even as early as August this office was busy on plans to have the country press recognized by the various political elements. A uniform letter, setting forth the advantages of display campaigns in the Oregon press and telling of the influence of the news papers, was sent all the heads of the political issues in the state.

The response to this letter has been interesting. I am permitted (Oct. 1) to announce that the Republican State Central Committee is preparing a nice schedule of advertising for the country press, that the Income Tax Repeal Committee is busy making up its lists for a nice campaign that the Pure Margarine Products Committee has authorized the Crosley & Failing agency to prepare