Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 1.djvu/349

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Senator from New Hampshire.

Senate, his friends induced them in their legislative capacity to assume and exercise their executive powers and request him to negotiate,the very measure he had adopted. I was apprised of the fact, opposed and voted against it, much against the will of my friends. I am unwilling to remove the responsibility which the constitution has imposed on him—'tis dangerous.

Yesterday I dined with the President. I felt in high glee, and enjoyed myself; but I thought the President discovered an unusual weight of care. The times, indeed, require all his vigilance.

Mr. Burr is here but is not yet Minister to Great Britain nor I hope never will [be].

Our weather is remarkably warm. The grass is verdant, and the birds of spring are come. I enjoy good health and spirits but wish to return to my friends and family though I fear I shall not for many weeks.

Make my compliments agreeable to Mrs. Cilley, and be assured that I am with much esteem yours sincerely,


Nottingham, N. H.