Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 1.djvu/456

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Sam L. Simpson.

While the shadows of Hood have been wheeling

Away from the face of the sun,

What a glamour of change has been stealing

On the fields that you painfully won !

Like the castles that fade at cock-crowing

The enchantments arise and advance

Where the cities of commerce are glowing

Like pearls in the braids of romance ;

For a state, in the shimmering armor

Of the Pallas Athena has come,

And her segis is fringen with the warmer

Refulgence that circles our home.

As for you, you are gray, and the thunder

Of the battle has smitten each brow

Where the freshness of youth was turned under

By Time's immemorial plow ;

But the pictures of memory linger,

Like the shadows that turn to the East,

And will point with a tremulous finger

To the things that are perished and ceased ;

For the trail and the foot-log have vanished,

The canoe is a song and a tale,

And flickering church spire has banished

The uncanny red man from the vale ;

The cayuse is no longer in fashion-

He is gone with a flutter of heels,

And the old wars are dead, and their passions

In the crystal of culture congeals;

And the wavering flare of the pitch light

That illumines your banquets no moro,

Will return like a wandering witch-light

And uncrimson the fancies of yore

When you dance the "Old Arkansaw" gaily

In brogans that had followed the bear,

And quaffed the delight of Castaly

From the fiddle that wailed like despair;

And so lightly you wrought with the hammer,

And so truly with ax and with plow

And you blazed your own trails through the gram mar,

As the record must fairly allow ;

But you builded a state in whose arches

Shall be carven the deed and the name,

And posterity lengthens its marches

In the golden starlight of your fame!