Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 1.djvu/469

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Topical Index.


Convention of 125


Original extent of 4, 111
Primitive isolation of 6
Territorial admission of 52
Motives for statehood in _ 53
Opposition to statehood in 54
Constitutional Convention of 55
Admission of, as a state 58
Dangers of pioneer travel to 61, 62
Characters of pioneers in 63, 64
First use of the name 112, 1K6
Spanish claims to . 122
Southern boundary of, fixed 127
Russian claims to 128
Northern boundary of, fixed 127
School lands of 154
Early American visitors to 193
Early immigration to 198
Dispute over northern boundary of 215
Discussion over occupation of 218
Character of early settlement in 224
Fifty-four deg. 40 min. boundary of 243
Settlement of northern boundary of 251
Estimate and census of Indians in 314
Condition of, in 1842 327
Fur trade in 329, 335
Motives for movement to 352
Summary of negotiations for 349
Difficulties of route to 359
Estimate of immigrations to 370
Character of immigrants to 398


Estimate of work of, on Oregon Trail 342


Inagural address on Oregon 46
Message of, 1845 on Oregon 47
Message of, 1847 49


Effect on Oregon 8


Notices for 32, 33
First steps toward 38
Objections to 34, 35
Plan of 36
Changes in 37, 38
Effectiveness of 39
Indian attitude toward 40
Lane's verdict on 52
Notes on organization of 91


Indian population of 310