Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/273

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George Cornelius 3.00 D. D. Stroud 5.00 John Trapp 5.00 Alfred Rinehart 5.00 Martha Avory 5.00 Martha Robinson 2.50 Jeremiah Lewis 1.50 Arnold Fuller 2.50 Thomas M. Read.. . 14.00 Total $100.00

This hundred dollars you will please credit to the donors on your books and charge it to Br. J. D. Post and not to me, as I have paid it over to him. In yours of Nov. 9th, 1853, I noticed this paragraph, "Ere this I trust Br. Post is with you and entered upon his work. I am glad your people evinced a liberal spirit in aiding him to get from Cal. to Oregon. He is worth and worthy of it. The credit and charge will be made on our books and, if you report more, we will do the same."

Now I suppose you charged that sum to Br. Post and not to me, as I have paid him the $100 herein reported as collected. If you have charged it to me, you will please correct the mistake.

Received Feb. 10, 1854.