Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/363

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DOCUMENTARY PUGET'S SOUND AGRICULTURAL COMPANY. PROSPECTUS. The soil and climate of the country on the Columbia river, particularly the district situated between the headwaters of the Cowlitz river, which falls into the Columbia river, about fifty miles from the Pacific and Puget's Sound, being considered highly favorable for the raising of flocks and herds, with a view to the production of wool, hides and tallow, and also for the cultivation of other agricultural produce, it is proposed 1st. That an association be formed, under the protection and auspices of the Governor and Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudson's Bay, for the purpose of rearing flocks and herds, with a view to the production of wool, hides and tallow, and for the cultivation of other agriculture produce on the west side of the Rocky mountains. 2nd. That the said association be styled "The Puget's Sound Agricultural Company," and shall consist of persons who shall become shareholders as hereinafter mentioned. 3rd. That the capital stock of the said Association shall be 200,000 which shall be divided in 2000 shares of 100 each. 4th. That a deposit of 10 per share be paid on subscrip- tion, and that the calls for the residue to be hereafter made shall not exceed the sum of 5 per share at any one time, and that at intervals of not less than three months. 5th. That the non-payment of any call shall incur a for- feiture of the shares and all previous deposits, to be declared at a general meeting of share holders. 6th. That until the sovereignty of the tract of the country, which in the first instance is proposed to be the seat of the Company's operations, be determined, and in order to guard against any legal difficulties in England, the management of the business, including all purchases and sales on account of the Company and the contracting on behalf of the Company, with clerks and servants, and all correspondence, may be ex- clusively conducted by, and shall be confided to, agents in Eng-