Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/377

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CORRESPONDENCE 359 my time in this place and vicinity, it seeming my duty to look after the interests connected with this church and school, while I can render some service in the important towns on the river and attend two yearly meetings, namely, at Marysville and West Tualatin churches, before the meeting of the association, which will occur the last of June. I trust by that time Br. Cramb will reach this place, so that I can feel it my duty to proceed to Washington Territory without delay. I have no doubt of the importance of an early exploration of that Ten, yet so providential have been the demands for my services in this valley that I have acted up to a conviction of duty and I believe with the cordial approbation of every brother convers- ant with our wants in Oregon and Washington territories who is on the ground. I am quite sure that your Board would approve the course, if they were on the ground and explored the field for themselves. I feel no disposition to undervalue the judgment of your Board or to disobey their instructions, but have endeavored to do as nearly as I believed they would, if they were individually in my place acting for Christ's interests on the Pacific Coast for all coming time. Respectfully submitted, EZRA FISHER. Oregon City, O. Ten, Apr. 1st, 1854. To Rev. Benjamin M. Hill, Cor. Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc. Herein I send you my report of labor under the appointment of the Home Mission Society as Exploring Agent for Oregon and Washington territories for the fourth quarter ending March 31st, 1854. I have visited Portland once, Clackamas church twice and spent a large portion of my time in Oregon City with the church and co-operating with the college, when I could do it without materially interfering with my specific duties. I have traveled 48 miles to and from my appointments, exclusive of my labors with the O. City church ; have labored 13 weeks during the quarter; have preached 35 sermons and