Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/386

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368 REVEREND EZRA FISHER organized to meet annually, the day preceding the meeting of the said association. You will be furnished with the minutes of the association as soon as printed. On the whole, while we deplore the miserable inadequacy of ministerial talent appropriated and the almost entire destitution of Baptist preaching in most of our important towns, we are led to rejoice with exceeding great joy that the progress of the cause of our blessed Redeemer is onward and we trust the time is not far removed when all churches will be supplied with an efficient, devoted ministry, and flourishing churches will be raised up in all our growing towns. For this we will labor and and sacrifice and pray till the good Lord shall make our Zion a name and a praise in the land. Affectionately yours, EZRA FISHER. Received Aug. 12, 1854. Oregon City, O. Ter., July 19th, 1854. Rev. Benjamin M. Hill, Cor. Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc. Dear Brother: Yours of May 30th was received by the last mail. No doubt God's providences are all right. Yet we are so short- sighted creatures that we often wish for the time they might be otherwise. I seriously regret that Br. Cramb is delayed till fall. It appears to mle that it is a final failure, yet we may be as happily disappointed in his case as we were in Br. Post's. I will not despair of his coming till I am obliged to give up all hope. But how shall I dispose of my time in the mean time? It seems exceedingly desirable that I be among the churches and new settlements through the fall months during the time of their yearly meetings, most of which come off in Sept. and Oct. The rising towns on the Columbia River, from its mouth to The Dalles, just at the east base of the Cascade Mountains, should be visited; and then there is Pugets Sound in Washington Ter., which I have promised you that I would visit this season, and then the church in this place, and the outdoor work for the school should be attended to immediately.